Hello folks, I have access to multiple codes for GOG games with Prime gaming. I already own some of those games on other platforms, so I share it with you !
Please tell me in the comments or with a message which game(s) you are interested in. I’ll try to keep the post updated.
Games :
Close to the sunUNAVAILABLEOvercooked (1) - Gourmet EditionUNAVAILABLEOvercooked 2UNAVAILABLEThe Outer WorldsUNAVAILABLEA Plague Tale: InnocenceUNAVAILABLEScornUNAVAILABLE
Have a nice day <3
I’d love to try The Outer Worlds! =)
Very kind of you! Hope whoever gets one enjoys it.
That’s really nice of you to do. I already own some of these games and the others I probably wouldn’t play anyway tho (except for The Outer Worlds but someone else was already faster haha).
I want to try the plague tale, is sitting in my wishlist for a long time.
Code sent as a private message ;)
I’ve been curious about Scorn for a while, if it’s available. Regardless, thanks for doing this!
Sent as a message :D
Would love to play one of the Overcooked games (or both) with the wife.
I’ll send you both codes in a message so you can compare ;)
Overcooked has couch co-op Right? I’ve been looking for a new game to play with my son. If it’s still available I’d be really grateful
I’ll take Close to the Sun please! I’ve got something for adventure/puzzle games lately
Sent as a message !
The good thing about Lemmy being tiny is these giveaways actually go to people who want to play these games. Thanks for your generosity, OP.