Ian Brossat, a former Paris councillor and now a senator representing the French Communist party, called for SUVs to be banned in Paris. “This is not the first incident of its kind, and the dangerous nature of SUVs has already been pointed out on several occasions. We owe it to this young man to realise the scale of the problem and draw all the consequences,” Brossat told the Nouvel Obs.
Finally, appropriate charges for once!
carbrained bullshit from the guardian as usual. do they wanna cite statistics or even a source on “many motorists, however, resent the changes”? of course not, evidence-free bothsidesing of vehicular deaths it is
Why is this so noteworthy? The driver clearly murdered someone. Is it not the norm to be charged with murder there? I was expecting to read about someone who in some freak accident accidentally killed someone, not this deliberately turn towards and drive through them bull shit.
I guess because SUVs were named as systemic problem, not just individual case and a call for systemic action against them was issued.
I think the outrage is due to the fact it was a cyclist. You can try driving round Paris and it’ll take years off your life.
Cycling is a whole different story. Drivers respect cyclists and give them a wide berth; they won’t overtake unless they can leave at least a metre. It’s just the done thing
Damn right this cunt should have the book thrown at him
So it’s less that the person rightfully was punished and more newsworthy that someone broke that code of conduct? That makes more sense. I think the modem news is making me more cynical than I would like.
Thanks for the insight!
That, and also the mayor of Paris is on a massive anti-SUV bender at the moment, hiking up parking charges to discourage people from driving them
The judge has probably been told to send a message.
You don’t. Fuckin. Need. An SUV. You. Cunt
I’ve been to France a few times and what they consider an SUV over here in America we don’t consider to really be an suv. They’re like tiny crossovers. I wonder when they’re trying to get rid of SUVs how many vehicles they’re really trying to get rid of. The “SUV” we got when we rented one was not much different from a medium sized sedan. We could not fit five pieces of luggage.
You’re absolutely the exception, not the rule
Take your tiny-penis truck and leave, there’s a good fella
Actually facing jail time for killing someone with a car in France is unusual, that’s probably why