I saw some threads here about Telegram and piracy stuff being banned. So, as an experimental alternative, I created a public Signal group for piracy.

Maybe it’ll be useful?

Before joining

Signal supports usernames and hiding telephone numbers. Here’s a blog entry on how to do so. You might want to:

  • set a username
  • change your profile name (these are two separate things!)
  • hide your phone number
      • ancoraunamoka@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        9 hours ago

        how is it not?

        • the worst kind of opensource, where you are not allowed to run the software yourself (or even fork it)
        • not indexable
        • requires signup with personal informations
        • forever tied to a single identity
        • not exportable to other services
        • no open formats for its storage

        it’s a shitty service, by a shitty person. I know Moxie personally, and he is basically Elon Musk if he didn’t make it