While the much lower fuel cost has to be a bit of a shocker (we all know EVs are more efficient and cheaper to operate, but not 95% cheaper), the bigger surprise has to be how much more convenient the electric boat was in a certain key way. “We actually had range anxiety, but not for the Candela. The irony is that the photographer’s gasoline-powered chase boat had to refuel six times during the trip, while we only charged three times,” said Gustav Hasselskog.

  • haulyard@lemmy.world
    13 hours ago

    Sitting here reading about sail boats being easier to maneuver in harbors cause of bow thrusters, after having dealt with major prop walk just the other day in high winds while docking. The trick is keeping water moving past your rudder. Once your down to a knot or under things get dicey. Even with thrusters.