• rainynight65@feddit.org
    9 days ago

    Over two hundred phones have been ported to postmarketOS and every person giving it a shot will improve it.

    It’s not that cut and dried.

    A look at the postmarketOS devices page reveals:

    • “the most supported devices, maintained by at least 2 people and have the functions you expect from the device running its normal OS, such as calling on a phone, working audio, and a functional UI” (aka what you need a phone to be); Device count: 5, not a single one of them the kind I can go into a regular phone shop and buy

    • "Devices that have had a lot of work put into them, where regressions are actively fixed, and the port is overall in a pretty good shape (read: your experience will likely be bumpy and not overly smooth); Device count: 28, largely older devices (pre-2018, so again not something I can just go and buy, and exotics like above; There is a lot of orange in the features table)

    The rest is under “Testing”, and the best summary of that status I can find is “All the devices in this table can at least boot postmarketOS. To monitor boot progress, you must be able to receive output from the screen, a network adapter, or a serial port”. So there is a total of 33 devices right now, largely exotics and older devices, that you could reasonably use with postmarketOS for any purpose other than testing and tinkering.

    I am what you’d call ‘tech interested’. I tinker with Arduinos and solder electronics as part of my hobby. I do a smidgen of self-hosting and similar, though I am not nearly as far into the weeds as many people, and it’s not my key interest or activity. The thing about a phone is, I need it to work, because I need it for work. I don’t have time or compunction to go through the process of installing an OS the manufacturer doesn’t want me to install. I don’t have time to deal with a non-polished UX or capricious apps that need workarounds to install on a ‘non-standard’ OS (for lack of a better term). I know that’s not the fault of the OS, but a choice made by phone manufacturers and app developers, but that doesn’t make it any less real or an issue for me.