Is a very broad question I know. But I realized that aside the things that liked as a kid (videogames and listening music) I gave up on everything else or failed in other things. I gave up on going to the gym, gave up trying to learn how to play a guitar, i gave up on having a YouTube channel, if I fail the theory exam of my driving licence I think I won’t try again, shit I gave up on having a social life… And so on. Is that normal in your opinion?

    24 days ago

    Like some others here, I also suspect I’ve tried to help you before.

    As someone who thought it would be hard to get help, I waited until I was almost 40 to talk to my doctor during my yearly exam. After 2 minutes of talking, he said sounds like depression to me all right, and gave me the cheapest Rx I’ve ever had. My life did a 180 that day and the world has been so different ever since.

    Your path may not be as simple, but I wasted almost 30 years of my life being sad and lonely and burning bridges with great people out of dread, apathy, and denial. For $5 a month with insurance and a whole $20 when I didn’t have insurance, I live a life I never thought possible.

    Get off of Lemmy and get your ass to a doctor. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Every day I regret what I did to myself and to others, and I don’t want you to do it to yourself either. You don’t need help with hobbies. Go find out what you do need help with. There’s millions of us with anxiety, depression, bipolar, ADHD, etc and it is nothing to be ashamed of.