Hi there, I’d like to connect with people to discuss technical aspects of settlement of mars.

I’d look at a house on earth and ask: what things have to be supplied from the outside; what things can be produced inside the house? Houses on earth have piping for water, and cabling for electricity.

Plants can be grown in a green-house using these two ingredients, and the people can sleep in a spaceship.

Comment whatever comes to your mind.

  • nikaaa@lemmy.worldOP
    1 month ago

    Yeah, I guess. I’ve read on Wikipedia that a year on Mars gives a human 200 mSv of radiation. While the limit for US radiation workers is 50 mSv a year. So that’s 4x the allowed dosis.

    Still, I wonder how much that can be alleviated by metal shielding. A spaceship’s outer walls are 5mm solid steel, and I’ve read somewhere that most of the radiation is particle radiation (not electromagnetic radiation), so that can be stopped with solid steel quite well. Unfortunately, I don’t have any actual numbers, though.