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Civilization IV
Requires Fascism
I guess if things go south in November we’ll be up for Mt. Rushmore 2: The Movement known as Boogaloo
The boogaloo in question stems from the same meme you’re quoting and is a second civil war. Fun stuff
Yup that’s why I linked to it, for reference
Figured you’re familiar with their ideology, I just wanted to point it out again to anyone with even the slightest bit of doubt as to what fascists are planning for the coming years
That was just Civ IV calling Teddy names because he was a populist militaristic progressive.
TBF it was supposed to be bigger.
That’s not bigger. That man would be huge.
the point is that it was supposed to include their upper bodies…
Wait. You’re telling me they didn’t even fucking finish it and people are still mad about the idea of losing it?
They didn’t even clean up the blasted off rock underneath it.
Ran out of money. It would have been cleaned when they did the bodies, but instead they finished the faces and said “better than nothing”.
Sucks that they were such racists that did this.
We should give back that to the natives, alongside with some TNT in case they want those faces to go.
Been there, it is legit underwhelming.
Me too. I went there when I was 10 or 11, and as a child all I noticed was how incongruous it was with everything. I wasn’t awed by it, and my parents seemed sort of put out with how I didn’t care for it compared to my sisters.
I’d like to pretend that’s some kind of deep political sentiment, but really I think it’s just aesthetically displeasing if you don’t have a thing for monuments
Adults get weird when the indoctrinating they and society put so much effort into doesn’t take hold. So much so, that they find some mental illness like Autism to label the child with.
This implies autism isn’t a real thing and that’s pretty off base
I did not imply autism doesn’t exist. I implied that kids who don’t fall in line with their social programming run the risk of being diagnosed with autism as it’s easier then reflecting on where or not the programming is correct.
“Neuro-divergent” seems to be the catch-all today. Though I guess that’s considered on the spectrum too? Anyway, the majority of these cases seem to be “diagnosed” by YouTube parents.
I was diagnosed by an over ambitious child study team member in kindergarten that convinced my mother I had a learning disability. What followed was 13 years of wasted public education because every success proved the program worked and every failure proved the program was necessary.
If it had happened today, I would have been diagnosed with autism and nothing would be better.
Did I studder? If kids don’t respond the way adults want them to, they get labeled as being a Problem.
That makes more sense, I just didn’t get why you mentioned autism in your first comment. Seems like an odd take to me.
Advertising/Propaganda doesn’t work as well on people with Autism. I called it a mental illness because regardless of what flowery language society decides to use to describe neurodivergent people, they will treat them like pariahs.
I dunno, I have a thing for monuments and I still find it aesthetically displeasing. It’s pretty ugly.
Same here. If you have no attachment to the figures portrayed, it fails at the kind of gravitas that you’d think an entire mountainside would/should command. It’s a strange thing.
I remember one of the massive air compressors they had on display there better than the monument itself…
Though I am a giant nerd for that sort of thing so it might just be me
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!.. What kind of psi? You said massive, was it mobile? Did it have any mods?.. I need to know!
It was years ago so I don’t remember most details, I can’t remember anything about pressure, it was stationary, single cylinder, with a flywheel at least 6 feet tall and I don’t think it had any modifications made I would have loved to see it running but I don’t think it had been ran in at least a 70 years
Mt Rushmore is a very good symbol of the US in that way. Looks impressive in marketing and media, but tacky and small IRL
i think its also a very good symbol of how the US just forgets about even their very own laws at a snap of a finger and that no nation in the world (not even the us itself) can ever trust them with anything. like for example the so called freedom of religion when we’re at the Sioux Blackbhills anyway.
You have to park in a garage and walk down a narrow path lined with people trying to sell you shit. Its more like visiting a mall with aggressive salesmen than a national park. It was the worst stop I made during a cross country road trip.
What a fuck ugly pile of shit.
They didn’t even clean up the rubble
That was intentional, the klansman who built it didn’t choose a place that was culturally significant to the indigenous people by accident.
I’m not American, but the isopods that live with me under the same rock weren’t aware that this was made by Klansmen
Don’t worry - most Americans don’t know either.
iirc they ran out of money and weren’t even able to make it look the way they intended. Like they planned for it to have a 5th face or wanted to do full bodies or something like that but they couldn’t get it done
They didn’t bother to check what the mountain was made of. The answer was granite.
They thought they knew what it was made of, but took their assumptions for granite
Are you saying granite? It’s granted, with a D. Take things for granted. Did you actually think it was… Jesus Christ Rick, what are you a boulder, a rock person? How long have you been saying that wrong?
What, you can erase my memories?
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but statues of real people are cringe… and Mount Rushmore is basically maximum cringe by that measure.
Wait till you hear about the Colossus of Rhodes
Or the Statue of Unity! Even Christ the Redeemer is taller than Mount Rushmore.
I think there was this ozymandias guy once too…
Reminded me of this song (which is german) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC872j2-PDw
Im gonna try translating the most relevant section:
Get the sledgehammer out, they built us a monument and every idiot knows that this destroys all love/charm. I will hire the worst sprayers(graffiti artists) of the city so that they may further deface the leftover rubble the same night.
How have I never seen this? It looks so sad :(
Reminder, we have this “monument”, but Thomas Paine is still without anything in DC.
i hate everything about this damned monumemt
I’ve seen them before and they are ugly. None of them would have wanted their face there so who is actually being honored?
Teddy did. That’s why his face is included
While Teddy was the self-aggrandizing type who probably wouldn’t have objected to having his face carved into a mountain, Rushmore wasn’t even proposed until long after Teddy’s political career was over.
I dunno, Theodore was also a reknowned appreciator of natural beauty, so I could see it going either way.
Yes, he protected land like this from developers. He’s the reason we have national parks. No way he would have approved this.
mt. splashmore or gtfo
Looks like a random Minecraft structure bodged into the land
I bet if you fashioned a garrote out of dynamite, you could do some pretty funny modifications to this “art”.