Neighbor has a tree that shits leaves and gunk all over our back patio and the roots are coming under our fence and fucking up our concrete. I want to start spraying the limbs hanging over our fence with salt water and pour buckets of the stuff down on the roots if necessary. Approx how much salt am I going to need and how long do I need to keep dousing it to see this tree dead? Tree is approx. 20 foot tall and 10 years old.

    1 month ago

    I understand that your patio and your property are important to you. I understand what you want. Regardless of what kind of soil you have, salting it will not get you what you want. It will not solve the problem. It will only create more problems for you. I’m sorry that lawyers couldn’t help. If your place is unincorporated, you won’t have code enforcement. Have you appealed to your HOA for help? You pay fees, they’re supposed to help you. That’s another box to check to show that you’re the good guy.