I’m having a hell of a time with my current ISP (sitting at 18 days now without a connection) and I’m having to bite my tongue every time I’m talking to them (Remember The Human and all that)

Whilst the front line support are nice people and answer the phones quickly they are honestly pretty useless and they never really sound like they know what they’re talking about, also seemingly none of the departments seem particularly good about communicating what’s going on so it’s hard to get a straight and useful answer out of them.

Have you ever lost it with a rep? What happened? and did it ever help push things along?

  • vortexal@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    There has been four times I remember where I’ve either lost my temper or just got really frustrated when contacting support teams. Sorry if this seems long winded, I like to vent every time I can about some of these.

    The first time was when I tried to contact Samsung because I was having an issue with the Galaxy Store. At the time when I was trying to contact them they only had two contact methods, which were by phone and through some form of a support forum. As someone who hates talking to people through phone calls and prefers to just use emails, I opted into at least trying the support forum. As I expected, Samsung’s support team ignored my post and I only got replies from users who either had no idea what I was talking about or were just bots.

    I just gave up trying to contact them after that and I haven’t used the Galaxy Store very much. If you’re interested in knowing what the issue is, basically, the “recommended for you” section keeps recommending me apps that I’ve already rating, even if I gave them a low rating.

    The second was when I tried to contact the support team for Hideout because I couldn’t get videos on their website to work in any web browser on my tablet. I did everything I could to provide as much information as I could, even providing screenshots whenever I thought it would be helpful. After a few days of doing everything they asked me to and continuing to provide as much information and as many screenshots as I could, the CEO of Hideout came into the conversation and proceeded ignore everything I stated up to that point and insinuated that I wasn’t being cooperative because one of the browsers I was using “looked outdated” and that the issue would have been fixed if I just updated that browser.

    I don’t remember exactly how I responded but I remember calling them incompetent because YouTube working perfectly fine on my tablet but Hideout didn’t and reminding them that I stated multiple times that the browsers I tested were reinstalled before testing to make sure that my settings wasn’t causing any conflicts, so none of the browsers could have been outdated. They never responded after that and eventually marked the ticket as being solved when it very clearly wasn’t. I stopped using Hideout after this but I probably still wouldn’t be using it because sometime after that I heard that they stopped paying their users or something like that.

    The third time was when I contacted Discord’s support team because I had an issue where email notifications just randomly stopped working for me. They had me try all sorts of things, like contacting the admins of the servers I joined and making sure that my Discord inbox was cleared regularly. This also included changing my email address on Discord, which caused them to temporarily refuse helping me for reasons that I don’t understand. After I asked them why they were punishing me after doing what they requested of me, they claimed that there was a miscommunication on their end and continued trying to help me.

    Eventually, they determined that my issue needed to be looked at by the dev team and sent the information to them. I was expecting them to either fix the issue or at least tell me how to fix it on my end but when they responded about a week later, they gave me some bogus answer, stating that “email notifications don’t work for servers with more than 5000 users”. I know for sure that this was a lie because I was told by the admins for some servers that the email notifications are working for other users but the rep kept ignoring what I was saying and refused to fix the issue. I just gave up trying to reason with them and filled out the survey they gave me, even though I’d imagine that no one at Discord actually read it.

    The fourth time was when I contacted Google because I was having an issue with the Play Store. The issue was that there was an app that I wasn’t able to review because when I tried to review it the first time, it glitched out and only used half of my review so I deleted it but I kept getting error messages every time I tried reviewing it again. I was using Firefox in Ubuntu at the time and I figured that the issue was something on their end and that contacting them would be quick and easy but I was wrong.

    I was emailing them about and fourth for a little over a month because they kept giving me suggestions that were irrelevant to my issue, requesting that I use features that didn’t exist on any of my android devices (which still don’t as far as I’m aware) and forgetting everything relevant to my issue, even what my issue was in the first place. At one point, I thought that they just gave up and redirected me to a bot that ghosted me because all of the emails they sent prior had the name of the rep I was talking to and a message about some survey they’d have me fill out when the conversation was done. I received about three emails that didn’t contain either of those before they just stopped emailing me entirely.

    Given that I thought that they wouldn’t respond, I decided to reply to the last email they sent with an angry email. I have once again forgotten my exact words but I remember expressing how I felt and that if they’re not willing to help me with my issue, that I’d want them to just give me the survey they mentioned in previous emails. They did respond after about a week but I really just wanted the conversation to end, so I repeatedly told them that I didn’t want to talk to them anymore and after a few emails they ended the conversation and gave me the survey. While I have no idea if they actually did anything directly but the issue seemed to be fixed about 6 months after that.

  • Vanth@reddthat.com
    1 month ago

    I just ask for the next tier of support.

    Lots of tier 1 support aren’t even armed to do much troubleshooting. They are there to enter tickets and to advise the cookie cutter “have you tried turning it off and on again” type answers and to give scripted explanations of known outages or bugs. More advanced troubleshooting gets done by higher tiers.

    In your case, I would ask for a rep to be assigned your case number and get their phone number so you have one point of contact. Whether they actually do that for you is another matter, some companies put very little emphasis on customer service and support once you’re already a paid customer.

    • _pete_@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      This had already gone past the first level “customer service” level to the 2nd level “technical support” team who sat on it for a couple of weeks, they’ve apparently now escalated it again and they’re waiting for their “network team” to take a look at it.

      I’ve basically lost all hope with them at this point.

      • BombOmOm@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        It might be worth switching providers. Starlink and 4G ISPs (TMobile, Verison) are surprisingly good.

        • memfree@lemmy.ml
          1 month ago

          If you are willing to switch, tell your current carrier and sometimes that will light a fire under them to actually address the Support call. We had that happen recently. Internet went out. The issue was outside our house with the provider’s line. They said they’d send someone a week later, so we pointed out it would be faster for us to switch providers, to which they replied, “We can’t get there tomorrow but how about the next day?” We accepted and they actually did fix it in two days instead of seven.

        • _pete_@lemmy.worldOP
          1 month ago

          I’m in the UK, we have a system for switching ISPs that is apparently relatively painless so I’ve started that process but it’s apparently going to be another 2 weeks before the switch can happen :(

  • xmunk@sh.itjust.works
    1 month ago

    Assuming we’re excluding the sales side of things (telemarketers and other unsolicited communications) no I have not.

    My roommate used to adore Dell though because “if you’re willing to be an asshole and not hang up you can get anything for free”. I understand that squeaky wheeling is effective but I just find it such an utter waste of time to both parties.

  • KoboldCoterie@pawb.social
    1 month ago

    I’ve definitely gotten angry about a situation while on the phone with a customer service rep, but not with the rep themself. I make it a point any time I’m audibly angry when on the phone to state that I’m angry at the company, not at the person I’m speaking with, and that I understand that it’s not their fault. It seems to help a lot; I used to work in customer service and I sure appreciated it when people made that distinction to me. It’s okay to be upset, just don’t take it out on a CSR.

    • 1stTime4MeInMCU@mander.xyz
      1 month ago

      Honestly this is pretty much it. Sometimes you have to be pretty aggressive to get companies to do the thing you need; they will take advantage of the social friction required to keep you in predatory arrangements. They literally design it to be frustrating so you’ll give up. Like you, I try to make it clear to the person I’m speaking with I have no problem with them just the business. But if the corporations require me to get mad to do the right thing I will get mad.

      • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
        1 month ago

        I have a friend whose family immigrated to Fiji from India before coming here. He’s bi-cultural, and his super-power comes from his heritage.

        Also, he will wait on the phone and talk to as many reps as required in order to get a discount. In CANADA, his full-up TV package - sports, streaming, movies, 1gbps internet, etc - is $1 for the next 2 years. Then he’ll call again and bring up the days where things didn’t work, mention how this is a consistent pattern they promised to eliminate, and launder all that into another 2 years just so they can be rid of him. He outlasts them.

  • gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    1 month ago

    Yes, after the rep had personally been trying to play dumb for almost 30 minutes. As a CSR myself I know it shouldn’t take 30 minutes to explain your delivery person THREW MY PACKAGE OVER MY 8 FOOT FENCE FEDEX I FUCKING SAW THEM DO IT. THE PACKAGE SAID FRAGILE ON IT YOU STUPID CUNTS WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND I HAVE SECURITY FOOTAGE

    I kinda blacked out because I absolutely loathe being unkind to customer-facing workers but dear Christ this was a $300 object and I could hear the smugness as the guy played up his Indian accent (suddenly much more understandable after I snapped) while saying “I’m sorry sir I don’t see what the problem is they delivered your package???”

    Fuck that guy, he deserves nasty customers every call

  • sevan@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    My answers below, but for your current issue, put in a complaint with the FCC or email the CEO of the company directly. Most major companies have a process to resolve issues that normal agents can’t access if you can get to the right level. Emailing the CEO works with many companies, but telecom companies are sensitive to FCC oversight and would rather fix your issue than deal with the FCC.


    Yes, the agent agreed with me that the company owed me money, but told me they couldn’t do anything about it. I told them I understood, but please put in a ticket to someone that could do something about it. They just kept telling me they couldn’t help until I got mad. They eventually relented and put in a ticket, which was then denied without reason a month later. I resolved the issue by circumventing the call center entirely and getting directly to an escalation team similar to what I recommended above.

  • boogetyboo@aussie.zone
    1 month ago

    Yes. They started the rudeness and I was done being the polite one. It was clearly a misunderstanding that led to a mistake on their part but once I made that obvious to them, they doubled down.

    I was getting more and more blunt, think ‘so what you’re telling me…’ type tone. And then I heard myself and internally cringed.

    Yes the fuck up was theirs alone. But having worked in a similar role 20 years prior, I remembered how one interaction like the one we were having would completely ruin your day.

    She was flushed red in the face and neck and I remembered being young and making the (wrong) decision to double down when I’m caught out in a fuck up rather than admitting fault and working on a remedy. It’s a lesson only learnt in time and humiliation.

    I think she’d learnt it at that point but it was too late. And an angry middle aged woman ranting at her was not going to do anything.

    So I stopped and said ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be speaking to you like this. I’ve already had a bad day and this has made it so much worse. But that’s got nothing to do with you and you don’t deserve to be spoken like that by customers. When’s the next available appointment?’

    She gave me a curt ‘that’s ok’ - and believe me that almost made me snap again, but we sorted it out.

    I noted the next time I got a confirmation for my appointment that they’d included my suburb in my surname - I think to differentiate between me and another customer (the reason for the crossed wires). That’s a win. But I hope she learnt a lesson about seeking truth rather than victory and I hope she wasn’t too upset.

  • TexasDrunk@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    A few times. Usually, like many others, I let the rep know that it’s not their fault but I’m angry and try to escalate to someone who has the authority to assist. Three times I went over the line. I’m going to leave out a lot of details on the ISP ones because one would be far too long and the other could potentially out some of the parties involved. It helped in every case, and I genuinely feel bad about one because I could have gotten someone fired.

    Once an HP rep stonewalled me for hours and I baited him into saying something fucked up on a recorded line. I hung up, called back, repeated what the rep said, informed them that it was recorded, and asked for a supervisor. I got one immediately and got my problem solved. I’m not proud of the way I handled it but I was young and not thinking about how my actions might affect others.

    Another time was a national ISP. Every single time I called all the supervisors were in a meeting (yeah, right). My service worked almost 2 out of every 3 days and I wasn’t getting nearly the speeds I was paying for. I got on with a rep who told me about yet another supervisor meeting. So I said I’ll hold. I told him that I had vacation time and no Internet so I had nothing else to do but fuck up his call time statistics and tell dirty jokes. In those days at that call center they weren’t allowed to hang up unless you were straight up abusive. He blinked before I did because he was supposed to have already gotten off work and I was in the middle of telling bad limericks. So I got a supervisor and they actually got me fixed up the next day.

    The last time was a different (local this time) ISP. I had requested specific times for repair because I was working nights and had been without Internet for weeks. I was told that was no problem. But they repeatedly showed up in the middle of the day (supposedly, I never heard from them so they weren’t ringing the doorbell but every time I called they claimed to have come out and no one was home) and telling me it’s my fault for being asleep and never letting me talk to anyone except for the receptionist. So I called one morning insisting I needed to talk to someone else because it had been weeks and she wouldn’t put me through so I let out a string of curse words and the supervisor interrupted me telling me not to talk to their employees like that. I told her about all the trouble I’ve had and that since she was there and had the receptionist lie to me about her being busy that I didn’t give the slightest shit what she thought. I told her that I was coming off nights and unless she wanted me up there every day I had off explaining to anyone in a suit walking in exactly how I was treated and that she was having her employees lie for her she’d have someone out that evening who would ring the doorbell and fix my shit.

    It turned out that the issue was with their connection at the box on the outside of my apartment building so they should have been able to fix it without my input at all. No one bothered to fucking check. I seriously don’t think anyone came out but I can’t prove that.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    It’s hard for me to do that to them, they’re not the people I’m upset at. Unless the high school office counts as a customer service rep for high school. I might as well have left their property by now with a permanent impact crater.

  • TheHotze@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    No, but that’s because my brain is weird. I have a lot of difficulty getting angry, usually I just get really frustrated but it almost never boils over into actual anger. Even when it does I’m not that angry. Sounds good probably, but every emotion is useful and it tends to lead to me not standing up for myself.

  • thirteene@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I worked phone support for a few companies for a few years, this is how to Karen: Try to bait the ai, companies are liable for promises made by their hallucinating chatbots. Chat support first, who wants to talk to people? Ask tier 1 support, if they say no then flex that Karen superpower “I’ll need to speak your manager”; those people are individuals just collecting a paycheck. If the floor manager (many have a 3x request policy) can’t see the situation from the human perspective and resolve/waive, they will only care if someone above them gets upset, the ways to do that are threaten legal action. No sovciet bs, but it helps to use contract terminology like “agreed upon terms”, “failure to meet industry standards” and “breach of contract”. If they don’t get jostled immediately, your next escalation is tag the intern on social media with a negative sentiment; or Google the company name followed by email for the office of the president. This is the pr address, CEO assistant or community director which again have the power to step in and resolve.

    Each conversation should be less then 2 minutes + wait time and if that can’t resolve it, you need to close your account or potentially move. You can justify 1 more call during a different shift. There is no need to get mad, state that are you upset and are looking for resolutions. Use an I feel statement, and be sure to ask to leave notes on the account regarding your conversation. They have a UI with comment fields in the ticket that are displayed while you are on the phone and it helps sell the situation with comment history.

    • thirteene@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I worked phone support for a few companies for a few years, this is how to Karen: Try to bait the ai, companies are liable for promises made by their hallucinating chatbots. Chat support first, who wants to talk to people? If you do need to call, enter identitng information once, then repeatedly press 0 to get human support. Ask tier 1 support, if they say no then flex that Karen superpower “I’ll need to speak your manager”; those people are individuals just collecting a paycheck. If the floor manager (many have a 3x request policy) can’t see the situation from the human perspective and resolve/waive, they will only care if someone above them gets upset, the ways to do that are threaten legal action. No sovciet bs, but it helps to use contract terminology like “agreed upon terms”, “failure to meet industry standards” and “breach of contract”. If they don’t get jostled immediately, your next escalation is tag the intern on social media with a negative sentiment; or Google the company name followed by email for the office of the president. This is the pr address, CEO assistant or community director which again have the power to step in and resolve.

      Each conversation should be less then 2 minutes + wait time and if that can’t resolve it, you need to close your account (which might take you to retention team!) or potentially move. You can justify 1 more call during a different shift. There is no need to get mad, state that are you upset and are looking for resolutions. Use an I feel statement, and be sure to ask to leave notes on the account regarding your conversation. They have a UI with comment fields in the ticket that are displayed while you are on the phone and it helps sell the situation with comment history.

  • ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The only time I ever did was with Microsoft years ago on the Xbox 360.

    I bought a game online then a couple days later it kept telling me I didn’t own the game but they still took my money. So I called customer service and after being transferred for the 6th time I finally lost my shit. I explained multiple times that I’m not angry with the rep but that this whole situation was completely unacceptable and it either needs fixed immediately or I’m trashing my Xbox and buying a Playstation.

    They gave me a full refund and let me keep the game.

  • VelvetStorm@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Ya, I definitely swore at them and raised my voice. I immediately apologized and said I was upset at the situation and not them because I know they are trying to help and are just trying to get through the day. The call went pretty well after I apologized. There was one time the person seemed like they were being intentionally unhelpful and a smartass when I was super polite. I did lose it on them and called them a fuck face and told them to fuck off.

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.social
    1 month ago

    Not on the phone but I had to threaten the Bitdefender E-Mail rep with a lawsuit in order to get my money back.

    A few months into my 2 year subscription I changed my e-mail associated with my Bitdefender account. Thereafter all mail I got from them went to that new email, as it should. A short while after that I switched over to Linux and my “need” for an AntiVirus evaporated entirely between Linux’ workflow not really requiring one anyway and me learning how little AntiVirus Software offers over the default Windows Defender. Queue forward to the end of that 2 year subscription (whose auto-renewal I had disabled before leaving Windows exactly to prevent what happened anyway but alas I have no proof of that anymore) I notice a really weird charge while reviewing my credit card statement. A charge that by all accounts should not have been there and one I was not made aware of beforehand. Guess what, those fucks sent only the mail about the upcoming renewal to the old email account which I had no reason whatsoever to suspect would still receive mail from them. Curiously the mail about them cancelling the renewed charge after I went off on them was sent to the new email again…

    Initially the customer service said “oh well can’t do anything here’s a 50€ discount” until I lost my cool and threatened to sue them for theft because by all reasonable standards I could not have expected them to inform me on my old email about this upcoming charge.

    On that note my stance was reaffirmed: Between and AntiVirus and an actual Virus I’d pick the latter, at least those are upfront about their motives and intentions instead of pretending to provide you with a service.