Meta “programmed it to simply not answer questions,” but it did anyway.

    2 months ago

    That’s not information retrieval. There is a difference between asking it about historical events and asking it to come up with their own stuff based on reasoning. I know that it can be wrong about factual questions and I embrace that. OP and many others don’t understand that and think it’s a problem when the AI gives a wrong answer about a specific question. You’re simply using it wrong.

    It’s been a while since ChatGPT4 has spit out non-working bullshit code for me. And if it does, I immediately notice it and it’ll still be a time-saver because there is at least something I can take from every response even if it’s a wrong response. I’m using it as intended. And I see value in it. So keep convincing yourself it’s terrible, but stop being annoying about it if others disagree.