• Nicoleism101@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    I can’t relate to those things ever.

    Who cares about grades when you are able to do anything at this age and not land in the jail? Once you are 18 the fun is over and you must be really careful at all times which is boring as fuck. Use these years to the fullest

    Can someone finally make a comic that is an ounce relatable?
    What do you guys even pursue with these grades of yours with all the bootlicking and effort when simply knowing right people and making them believe in certain version of yourself trumps everything

    Are you really so naive to believe that hard work matters? No it is all about connections, knowing right people in right places. You can work hard for 30 years and have shit all but someone knows a certain guy at the top and is your boss in a year.

    This is life, adapt or… struggle. The things they tell you in school is all horse shit the real race is in the casinos, nightclubs and parties. Remember that before you feed your kids with bs that good grades will make them successful.

    • yrmp@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I may regret engaging, but I can say as someone who grew up in Harlan County, KY (one of the poorest places in the USA), hard work and education absolutely do still make a difference. You can get educated in a variety of ways, and you can meet people and lean on those connections even if your family isn’t born with them.

      Raging about the world on the internet won’t fix your problems even if it does provide catharsis for a brief time. You’ve got to do some work. Whether that’s learning to grow a garden and giving produce to your neighbors, or learning music to join a band and connecting to others through songs you write. Those things take work. People want to connect with others who have skills, even outside of a capitalist system.

      Anecdotally, I “LeArNeD tO cOdE” instead of bitching that all the mines closed, and it’s worked well for me. Wrapping my head around coding concepts when I objectively got one of the worst educations available in this country has been hard work and I’m proud to be where I am. I hope you find something you can work towards.

      • Nicoleism101@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        All I know is that I could easily ignore grades, score good on final test twice in lifetime and leap over all those who worked real hard whole childhood to get to best uni. That kinda changes your perspective.

        It’s about putting little jolts of effort where it matters and connections matter vastly more than anything. You can have idiots earning lotta because they know how to party with CEO or know their secrets.

        Besides all your hard work matter shit all if you can’t market yourself and that is stretching the reality to your favour no matter the base facts.

        I am retired right now at 30

        • Bytemeister@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          “It worked for me, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for everyone”.

          As a fellow, “did bad in school, but still doing well compared to my peers” person, I think you are ignoring a lot of the subtle benefits you had in life.

          For instance, I grew up with six siblings, and at times not only did I have to share a room with 5 of them, I needed to share a bed with my brother. My parents divorced when I was young as well, which takes away a lot of stability and resources for a child.

          Despite this, I still had massive advantages compared to my peers. My grandfather worked with computers at a university, and that trickled down to me always having access to a computer. My dad was an early adopter of home Internet access, I had cable broadband in the house at least since 2000, and DSL/dial-up way before that. I had both parents, and although they were not very collaborative while raising me, I still got some benefit of having them both. My interpersonal connections through my siblings helped me land a decent retail job, and from there I was able to use connections from my dad to get my foot in the door in IT. I didn’t grow up with much, but I sure as hell grew up with a lot more than many other people, and it’s easy to forget that sometimes.

        • yrmp@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Is it not work to make connections? Is there no value in learning to learn? I think this is a pretty short sighted way to go about life.

          You seem like you’re younger than me and also not from the USA, so I can’t understand the exact realities of your situation without more info.

          I got straight A’s in school (1992-2005) and found later in life that I was learning what other kids already inherently knew or learned way earlier. My “AP Calculus” was algebra I for the kids in the larger/wealthier cities in the state. Once I got to college/university I made up the difference somewhat, but I still felt very out of place.

          Grades are not the end all be all, but learning to learn is important and it shouldn’t be reduced to just “testing once or twice”. How will you pass the test if you don’t know how to study or have at least some underlying knowledge of the test subject? Maybe I’m misunderstanding your meaning.

          • Nicoleism101@lemm.ee
            2 months ago

            Learning is just somehow easy for me I don’t know maybe it is skewing my perspective and everyone else must sit there for hours before they grasp stuff.

            I just can do things in less time it feels like this sometimes at least and thus have to fill that time and get bored.

            Maybe some other people would use that to meet more and more challenges and overcome them but I for some reason always had more nihilistic and cynical mindset.

            School always seemed so stupid, uni too. You can learn that stuff in a month by yourself more quickly and efficiently if you felt like you wanted instead of feeding dopamine scrolling phone.

            I don’t think education system here was made for me in mind let’s just say. Not for someone who always questioned everything but never got answers but only reprimands and yelling and tons of bad behaviour notices.

            I was always surrounded with people who worked hard and I just waltzed there scoring with no effort making their work sorta pointless that probably changed me for the worse.

            So yes I don’t relate to these comics or most of the things really except for adhd meme comics yay. Most people are super unrelatable for me anyway.

            Few who were, we used way too much substances and done way too overboard things (such as vandalism mainly) to keep them around in a healthy way. If I meet someone I relate to it is the best and worst thing that can happen to me and everyone around as we literally destroy places in a drug fuelled madness and get away with it somehow. In a fun company I have been shooting road signs out of my balcony in the middle of a city with an air rifle for whatever insane reason. Or throwing eggs at the cars while laughing like a total insane person. Can’t say I regret any fun times.
            One time we were at someone’s house we just grabbed as much wine as we could from the cellar and ran. I shouldn’t miss those times but I do.

            So yeah any guidelines do not really apply as you can see and I must carve my own way

              • Nicoleism101@lemm.ee
                2 months ago

                It isn’t tho, that’s the thing. sounds too crazy and pretentious but I swear on my real estate that it is all true

                This whole timeline is too crazy to be a random chance I am convinced we are in the simulation and someone like flipped a switch okay give that person this and this whatever they do. Yeah they should be by all means be dead or smh but we need them to test that hypothesis

                After all I probably wouldn’t get away with all that if not for the early capitalism woes of eastern bloc that was more like a Russian mindset than western

                • yrmp@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  There is a vast frontier of knowledge and value to be gained in renewable energy, fusion technologies, CRISPR/medical science, systems integrations and automation, environmental cleanup, food science, etc.

                  These all take hard work and knowledge and aren’t quick fixes, so of course it seems like all the low hanging fruit is gone.

                  There are a ton of problems that need solving. It’s not the dog eat dog universe you say it is.

                  I used to be nihilistic and cynical for a time as well. Then I went through a divorce, went deeply into debt, became an alcoholic, lived in my car for a while and got sober and got my shit together. Not to say I recommend it, but the survival instinct is strong, and a wife and kids are a wonderful thing to wake up to every day.

                  I hope you can get some distance from the drugs and you might also get some perspective.

                  Your story is at least interesting, and if true, it sounds like you at least have the resources to improve your mindset and lot in life.

                  • Nicoleism101@lemm.ee
                    2 months ago

                    It may not be obvious from the shit I typed here but I am trying to. I know perfectly well how fucked up it all probably sounds to someone of… more healthy constitution.

                    It’s like sort of a cheat meal let’s type deepest shit online and see what happens, maybe something good and whoah there’s you with some valuable insight.

                    Okay now I won’t say I am happy for you because that feels like total lie but I wish you well

            • uis@lemm.ee
              2 months ago

              Learning is just somehow easy for me I don’t know maybe it is skewing my perspective and everyone else must sit there for hours before they grasp stuff.

              We talk about systemic problems, not about your personal experience. And not about just “everyone else sitting there for hours before they grasp stuff”, but about not being taught stuff for them to be grasp.

              School always seemed so stupid, uni too. You can learn that stuff in a month by yourself more quickly and efficiently if you felt like you wanted instead of feeding dopamine scrolling phone.

              If uni was so boring for you, how it comes you are talking about licking some CEO’s ass instead of advancing science in CERN?

              • Nicoleism101@lemm.ee
                2 months ago

                Frankly I don’t really care about systemic problems not genuinely so but wanted to write lotta words I cannot say aloud to anyone.

                You see having someone to confide this stuff is rare usually I have to be acting. Weaving some personas

                Just so occasion arises with some semi vaguely connected comic.

                So I can just shower ya all with my deepest thoughts without any repercussions. Brutal honesty is what I miss sometimes that was always fun.

                I usually am focused on my self improvement journey but once a week I get a cheat meal so to say. This is my cheat meal

                Feels good but also is so socially bad lol but hey you have to let loose sometimes

                • Krauerking@lemy.lol
                  2 months ago

                  Yeah can’t say them aloud cause no one wants to be near a person that thinks they are superior to everyone else and you at best have only business acquaintances instead of friends?

                  Stop treating people like toys and tools and thinking it’s fun to be cruel and you won’t be so lonely.

                  • Nicoleism101@lemm.ee
                    2 months ago

                    I think it’s sort of built in tbh. I can’t remember when it wasn’t the case.

                    All the dark triad stuff arson, animal cruelty and the things as a kid.

                    I just don’t have this sense you all neurotypicals have. And I only know because some drugs make me see a glimpse of it. Of this sort of warm feeling towards living beings. It’s very rare to feel for me

                • samus12345@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  It sounds like you’re a narcissist and psychopath or sociopath. If you’re in the US, you won the jackpot as our wealth-obsessed society allows people with antisocial disorders like that to go very far, especially if they’re intelligent and skilled at masking.

                  EDIT: After reading more comments of yours further down, you definitely are and are aware of it.

                • Nicoleism101@lemm.ee
                  2 months ago

                  That is I could find easily people I could say it to but like they are disgusting and I ended this phase and no longer have a company of unsavoury types

                  Now I am a proper citizen, good, kind and all the stuff and my company consists of similar.

                  I am in lgbt circles now and even socialists so like not the best audience for this sorta talk lol

      • uis@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        Wrapping my head around coding concepts when I objectively got one of the worst educations available in this country has been hard work and I’m proud to be where I am. I hope you find something you can work towards.

        Well, coding is only a start on path of programming.

        • yrmp@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Well naturally, but I was and still am a dumb hick from Appalachia, so I didn’t understand that at the time. I’m a senior engineer now who does system integrations. I was speaking of the cliché advice given to people without marketable skills in a bit of a tongue-in-cheek way.