I’ve recently started a job driving a shuttle van across the city for the general public. I’ve got a wide amount of leeway, but the audiobooks I’ve been listening to have been… not hitting right. I started with “The Name of the Wind” which was extremely well reviewed. I liked it a lot for the most part, and for the most part so did my passengers, but at one point it started talking about how much the main character would like to see one of the young woman characters naked and would pay for that privilege. In the context of the story it sort-of made sense, but out of context it was completely gross and I was beyond embarrassed. The next day I tried “Consider Phlebas” (again well reviewed) which was a completely different thing, but almost immediately it started in with a vivid description the mc being drowned in sewage- It did not hit right, despite the interesting developments that I would ordinarily probably enjoy for just myself.

I’m looking for suggestions of completely SFW audiobooks I could listen to (through audible, alas) with random passengers of all walks of life coming and going without context. I cannot stress strongly enough that they should be quite literally safe for work. I don’t mind skirting a bit of controversy or challenging preconceptions or introducing new or unusual perspectives (In fact I kind of relish the idea of being somewhat progressive and/or boundary-pushing, though I’d like to start small after these initial embarrassments), but it cant be crude, or sexual, or violent.

Thanks for your attention, please chime in with your suggestions.

Edit: Oh jeez wow this got more traction than I expected. I appreciate everyone’s suggestions! I’ll be trawling through them in the coming weeks and maybe even post my experience with some of them, “shuttle van reviews” or some such. Thanks!

  • EvanescentWave@discuss.tchncs.de
    3 months ago

    I imagine humor books would be a great fit for situations where people come and go, but I haven’t read much in that genre. Maybe Pratchett would be possible. Generally, a safe bet are older books that are set in a genre that is naturally SFW. I am thinking of Agatha Christie style detective novels.

    If you liked the theme of stories in the Name of the Wind, you might like “the starless sea” by Erin Morgernstern. It is a bit “progressive” in the sense, that it contains a little gay love story but all very much SFW and with a romantic perspective. There is one scene however, I’m not quite sure how it was described that could be considered a sex scene? As far as I remember, sex was rather mentioned and not described or anything. Oh, and a big warning, that the sequel of Name of the wind is NFSW. For more fantasy, I can recommend Narnia or His dark Materials by Philip Pullman, which both are series written to be read by children and adults alike.

    If you want to continue with sci-fi, maybe consider “We are Legion”/the Bobiverse by Dennis E. Taylor or the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.