My upstairs neighbors seem to like clog dancing at 2am. What would you do?

  • dalë
    3 months ago

    I took the impractical option, but in fairness, only after all other options failed.

    Guess you can’t change arseholes but you can sure as shit change houses.

      3 months ago

      This sort of issue is why I will never live in a shared space again. I had the neighbor who’s girlfriend screamed like a porn star at all hours of the morning. I mean, great for them, but could ya not do it with the windows open at 3am? We also had issues with their sound system rattling the walls. They were pretty polite about that one, but it just kept creeping back up. I suspect it was a bass unit near a wall and it can be hard to understand how much it affects nearby people. Eventually, we moved. Now live in a detached single family home and fuck ever sharing a wall/roof/floor again.

        2 months ago

        I will never live in a shared space again.

        • they’re making more people. Maybe there’s too many already
        • we need more space for carbon capture and agriculture
        • they’re not making more space

        TL;DR? Unless you can continue to be rich, you may find yourself needing to re-enter the dense housing market; either for more reliable services as the suburbs get their just rewards (hi Detroit) or for more features as the gym and stores and hospitals and physiotherapists are a 5 min walk away.

        Did you live in a cheap wood-frame (aka Fire’s Favourite Food) apartment where all the noises echo in the walls and then in our heads? I have a story about sharing a wood wall with an 11-occupant townhouse unit whose stairs were on the other side. Never wood housing: for the noise and because I don’t need to lose everything again when the neighbor leaves his soup boiling.

        But consider a proper-built concrete unit. I’m aware I have neighbours, as one of them will drop something and I can hear the impact, but the other 86399 seconds in the day afford no clues that this space is shared. The car I rarely use is secured downstairs, my triple-pane windows are above-ground-level, it’s (mostly) fireproof, has gobs of natural light and is a/c cooled when windows aren’t enough, it has a kickass rooftop patio and barbecue and pool room on 34 and meeting room and coffee shop on the ground and even space for moving vans under the building near the freight elevator. Food shopping and dentist and opto and gp and X-ray and urgent care and subway and takeaways are 5 min away when we want them, and at nights when we sit on our little private patio space it’s still blissfully quiet despite the bustling walkways below.

        There is a happy medium between land-hoarding bungalows and neighbours from hell.

        3 months ago

        Record the screaming play it back during a family gathering (one without kids present) bonus points if the pastor / priest is there.