I know that it’s popular to dismiss President Biden. I get it. He’s old. This is the first election featuring the 2 oldest candidates, ever. So what? The future of the WORLD is literally dependent on this election. To boot Biden from the ticket and try to bootstrap another candidate is madness. Booting this incumbent and hoping his VP will succeed is like firing the cook and hoping the dishwasher will give you Michelin-quality food. Stick with the old man, and figure out a way to enact his popular policies while also expanding the Supreme Court, enacting term limits and limiting “Christian” Nationalists.

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    You underestimate how beholden Republicans are to their base. The Party wanted Trump gone after 2020, but they couldn’t afford to piss off their base.

    The base doesn’t love tax cuts for the rich, but they don’t hate it either. They’re pretty neutral to class politics, if tax cuts supposedly create jobs then they’ll support tax cuts.

    But the base really does hate Biden, because he stole the election from their godking. That’s why I think Trump would be the only one that could save Biden. If their idol told them he needs to stay president then they’d obey, but if Trump poured fuel on the fire (like I think he would) there’d be a frenzy of people demanding Biden was executed.