However I find myself being disagreed with quite often, mostly for not advocating or cheering violence, “by any means possible” change, or revolutionary tactics. It would seem that I’m not viewed as authentically holding my view unless I advocate extreme, violent, or radical action to accomplish it.

Those seem like two different things to me.

  • Muad'
    2 months ago

    Those “western countries” you’re referring to, are not democracies, its more accurate to call them capitalist dictatorships.

    Capitalists stand above and control the political system, stack candidates to those who’ve proven themselves to be good little capitalists puppets, and own the organs of media and limit public discussion to pro-capitalist talking points.

    True leftists reject violence in all forms. It is coercion. It is evil. End of story.

    Anyone on here advocating for violence deaerves to be labeled for what they are: part of the problem with the world today.

    There’s no need to “one-true-leftist” us here, especially since the major branches of leftism (Marxism and most branches of Anarchism), are all pretty much agreed that pacifism doesn’t work, and is a strategy promoted by capitalists and petit-bourgeois idealists to quell dissent. A ruling class has never given up their power or wealth without violence or the threat of violence. Good article on this:

    Red Phoenix - Pacifism - How to do the enemy’s job for them. Youtube Audiobook