• Allonzee@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    This is funny, but It’s not about women’s bodies. It’s about creating desperation among those they exploit.

    Its about keeping the poor the pliant, submissive playthings and capital batteries of the owners.

    In addition to making women desperate with children they can’t afford, the unwanted child will almost never have any option but to labor for the owner class.

    The Federalist Society that now owns our Judicial branch is nothing less than an arm of our owner class. The more desperate the peasants are, the less they’ll accept for their exploitative labor.

    The owners also love to use their media machine to turn every conceivable demographic against one another so we never look up at our common enemy. Women and men should be angry at just about everything the SCOTUS is doing for themselves and their children.

    The women on the court, and the affluent women this court represents the interests of don’t consider peasant women that have to suffer these rulings to be human at all. Socioeconomic status at the true owner level transcends all other conflicts, because it either creates or greatly exacerbates all of them. Just ask Clarence Thomas. transcends