tectonic planet are rare

  • Cocodapuf@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    It’s simple. We’re the first intelligent life in the galaxy. There is nobody else yet in our galaxy.

    Also, probably nobody capable of traveling the stars wants to settle a planet. Once you figure out how to make huge spaceships (which you’ll need to travel interstellar space) you’ve essentially learned how to make cities in space. Our solar system would support a lot of people if we just used the resources available for space habitats, and by “lot” I mean in the quadrillions. And it turns out that all you need to support that population is a star to provide energy, and some planets to source materials from.

    So with that in mind, why bother finding another habitable planet?

    • SkyeStarfall@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      7 days ago

      The thing is, out of a population of trillions (or even quadrillions as you say), you only need a few thousand to travel to the stars to colonize another planet. With how large the population is, that is bound to happen. Just like there were bound to be pioneers travelling to the new world to settle it, despite how dangerous the journey was. And how there will be pioneers to settle the moon or mars or further out.

      And a civilization like that would absolutely send stuff to other star systems, if only for science, so most of the research for the journey would already be done. And this is assuming that a civilization wouldn’t want ever greater quantities of resources for ever greater projects, or access to other star systems for reasons we cannot fathom today (maybe neutron stars or black holes have some incredibly tempting uses? Or maybe there’s some useful resources out in the galaxy that we have yet to discover?)

      Basically, a successful civilization like that is bound to spread out, it’s difficult to see scenarios where a successful civilization would be so homogenous in thought as for that to not happen. Amd then it’s before we even get to sending AI probes to “colonize” space and gather data.

    • jj4211@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      Or there are plenty of societies at least as advanced as we are, but we can’t find each other because space is big and our stars tend to drown out our own puny EM emissions.

      • Cocodapuf@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        Yeah, there’s no way we’re picking up alien radio broadcasts, not over the most produced by a star.

        On the other hand, if a civilization were creating a Dyson sphere, or other large constructions, we’d be able to see those unusual elements in the light spectrum coming off the star. So it is conspicuous that we haven’t seen anything like that.