
I’m looking into creating a blog website, and I have purchased the domain “dedsec.org”. Ubisoft holds the rights to the name dedsec so I was wondering if I should sell it or not? I bought the domain for $20. I plan to just post about Libreboot and other hacking stuff on it. Maybe, if its legal, can I possibly use the domain for my computer store?

Edit: switched EA to Ubisoft

  • Encrypt-Keeper@lemmy.world
    24 days ago

    And the best possible outcome is they contact you and buy it for some much larger amount than you paid for it.

    I wouldn’t touch this with a 10 foot pole. Squatting on domains that contain a trademark with the purpose of forcing a company to pay you out for it is illegal. There would need to be intent, but just going to court over something like that would NOT be worth it.