• DrunkEngineer@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    “Too centrist”

    You young ones won’t know this, but Gore had a very different persona as Congressman and VP. Note that the only reason Clinton, a notorious draft-dodger, picked Gore as his running-mate was because of Gore’s reputation as the top Pentagon-hawk. As well, Gore led centrist wing of the party that wanted to eliminate welfare and implement austerity measures.

    People who say Gore would have kept us out of Iraq, or not done all the other dumb shit Bush did, don’t seem to recall that politician Gore was complete polar opposite of post-political Gore we know today.

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      22 days ago

      notorious draft-dodger

      Dude I don’t really wanna play the game of “let’s pull on this thread and see if a bunch of conservative-propaganda-worldview stuff pops out” again, I’ve done it like twice in the last 2 days and it sometimes takes a while

      But (a) it’s like a cat with a laser pointer (b) tbh it doesn’t look like this particular thread is all that long

      I mean everyone knows we all look down on people who didn’t fight in the Vietnam War, and in general who don’t do what the federal government wants them to do. Fuckin cowards, what was wrong with them! What do you think? Clinton should have gone over and shot a bunch of Vietnamese people, amirite fellow anti Iraq War person?

      • DrunkEngineer@lemmy.world
        22 days ago

        Perhaps should have put quotes around “notorious”. I figure most here knew it was another just another media-generated controversy.

        • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
          22 days ago

          Yeah, completely fair. I see what you mean. I think I am impatient and short tempered after talking with a series of not very nice people yesterday and today.

          Regardless of that I still think your main point is made up, though. Here and here are some contemporary stories about the pick – he voted for the Iraq War 1, but that was seen as sort of a surprise given his father’s antiwar reputation. His reputation at the time was as an environmentalist and technocrat. It’s important to remember that the tolerance for austerity at home and war abroad was a lot greater in 1992 than it is today; it was a much different political landscape. Gore wasn’t seen at the time as any kind of hawk in either respect that I’m aware of and rereading the stories from the time I don’t see any kind of inkling that Clinton had him on to pander to pro-war people or anything.

          • DrunkEngineer@lemmy.world
            22 days ago

            Gore voting for Iraq I was hardly a surprise, as he championed it regularly on TV. He then chastised Bush I for ending the war too early.

            In the Clinton Administration, he was among the staunchest hawks. He would give speeches calling for removing of Saddam (“finish the job”). You can probably find some of those speeches with Google…cover the name over and you’d think you were seeing something from Rumsfeld or Cheney.

            Contrary to myth, Iraq II was not invented by a small group of neocons. It had full bipartisan backing in Congress, and there are some who were close to Gore who believe he would have also been in support.