• Kirbenstein@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Marijuana is absolutely physically addictive as much as people want to say it isnt. Mind you im someone who smokes the minute they leave work until they go to bed. So im not here to push any kind of anti-marijuana view point, but i do think we as stoners should be honest. Everyone i know who stops smoking weed has two very common side effects.

    1. They have a lot of trouble getting to sleep
    2. Wild/fucked up dreams.

    I understand that this is a side effect of lack of REM but you cant say these aren’t physical withdrawal symptoms. Research is needed, but just because we all want it to be legal, doesn’t mean we should ignore the facts.

    • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Marijuana is absolutely physically addictive as much as people want to say it isnt.

      I mean it scientifically isn’t though. Physical addictions don’t just give you psychological withdrawals, they are physical. Your body becomes dependent on them to maintain homeostasis.

      Cold turkeying drugs like opioids and benzos can kill you.