• assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
      25 days ago

      Huh, TIL she has a blog.


      “As a first step, we need an immediate cease fire and negotiations to ensure the security and autonomy of all parties, as provided for in the Minsk accords.”

      She blames the US for Russia’s decision to invade as well.

      I will concede she doesn’t directly call for a peace treaty, but she is not explicit about what the negotiations and conditions of a cease fire should be, and it’s very important to know those terms. I’m all for an end to violence, but her using the word negotiations suggests to me that Russia would get something out of the deal, which is unacceptable. Russia should gain nothing whatsoever to stop an invasion they started.

      Perhaps I’m just being paranoid and overly skeptical because of what I’ve seen other non mainstream politicos say about a ceasefire. I think we can both agree however that she needs to heavily expand on her Ukraine position and explain exactly what terms she’d want for an end to hostilities.

      • blazera@lemmy.world
        25 days ago

        Im pretty sure her platform has always been for less US military involvement around the world. Meaning, US not being a party to the terms for ending hostilities. No more weapons to Ukraine, but also to Israel.

        • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
          25 days ago

          I mean ending weapons to Ukraine is a terribly idea. That would be like ending aid to Gaza. The only thing keeping Ukraine from Gaza is the military aid. Without it, it would end up in a similar position to Gaza in the eventual status quo.

          If we want to prevent more apartheid states and neocolonialism like Israel/Gaza, we need to keep arming Ukraine.

          The really key thing here is letting Ukraine decide what Ukraine wants to do. This whole war is because Ukraine wanted closer relations with the West over Russia, and that’s their sovereign right. They aren’t a vassal of Russia that has to do what they want. As long as Ukraine wants to keep fighting, we should help them fight. If they want a peace treaty, then we help in peace talks. They should get to decide their own destiny.

          And that’s what really makes Ukraine different from other armed conflicts that the US has meddled in. And it’s why we need to keep sending them arms. Ending the supply like she wants to would be devastating.

          • NuclearDolphin@lemmy.ml
            24 days ago

            This is a hallucination. Russia doesn’t want a destroyed failed state on their border. Nor do the want to govern Ukrainian language speakers. Israel wants the land and the removal/death of its inhabitants.

            Once peace terms are agreed upon, Russia will keep, rebuild, and govern in the Russian-speaking eastern regions.

            Russia doesn’t want a NATO-friendly government on its borders. Peace will occur when either Ukraine has no soldiers to fight with or agrees to not align with NATO in negotiations.

            • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
              23 days ago

              So you’re saying that as long as Ukraine does what Russia wants, the war will end – because Ukraine isn’t allowed to make sovereign decisions that upset Russia?

              You’re advocating for imperialism. Guess that’s okay with you as long it isn’t the West doing it, huh?