Several transgenders who I know, always envision themselves with like goatees and other typical attributes that shape them into this trucker guy look.

And I just don’t get it and spare me the whole “that’s just what they wanna be” responses. Because, there are other male models to ideally go for than just that. I personally don’t find the look attractive myself so I can’t really care that they go this direction.

That isn’t all that a guy is anyways, that isn’t even what it usually takes to look like a guy.

    4 months ago

    I don’t have hard evidence for this, but I would wager that it’s just getting louder. We’d rarely, if ever, hear about hate violence when I was a kid. Now it’s everywhere. Why? Is it because it’s more? No, statistics show violent crime is on the decline. It’s because it’s louder. News media didn’t use to talk about it, they’d hush it up or write about other reasons. Now it’s more accurately reported because there are lots of public LGBT voices.