• GeneralVincent@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Wait wait wait… She wants a tattoo, says “my body, my choice” (clearly referencing abortion rights) and he says “No, tattoos are permanent” … You mean LIKE A BABY??? They must be pro abortion then right?? Because an underage kid can’t do permanent things like have a baby unless their parents sign off on it according to this shit I mean skit.

    Also 16-18 yrs old is when you make ALL the life altering decisions, like learning to drive, picking what college to go to, what career to pursue. I couldn’t have a single conversation with an adult at that age without them asking what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

    Anyways, I could go on but I’m preaching to the choir. This would definitely give the biggest hate boner to their right wing bigoted audience who wouldn’t know what hypocrisy is if it contradicted itself in their face.