Sharing this because i agree with the points in this persons video, don’t angrily downvote it because its not some closed source software shill but someone who is pointing out a major issue with some open source projects

TLDR: Some open source software devs don’t listen to and design the software for the actual intended users of the program

  • x4740N@lemmy.worldOP
    2 months ago

    I have already gotten that kind of response and 's comments

    There is no point to shutting out people who want to help improve open source projects just because they are not developers

    My point in sharing this video was to try and make people aware of this so open source could potentially be improved further by reaching more people but the response i got from those two users i mentioned makes me question what the point to even sharing this video was if I’m going to get that sort of hostile response from them

    I don’t know programming and i dont have interest in learning it because my hobbies lay elsewhere like using krita to teach myself art from freely from available lessons and using anki to help with learning Japanese

    i as a user of some open source programs simply want to see open source improve as a user