• sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip
    2 months ago

    Cue Aamon’s Punished Bernie.

    Oh well, now we get to choose between stagnation and decline or a fairly rapid fall into christian nationalism.

    Anyway, fun thing I learned: It only costs $400 USD to apply for a residency permit to Ecuador, all you have to do is prove you have over roughly $1500 of reliable income a month.

    You can rent a fully furnished studio apartment for $350, like a modern apartment, kind that goes for thousands in Sea, SF or LA. A few places have very reliable public transit for a quarter, groceries cost something like a third or less than they do in the US. Also, Ecuador features a diverse range of microclimates where you can almost certainly find something you will love.

    Downsides: Youre going to need to learn at least some spanish, do not go to Guyanquil, and be prepared for the power and internet to brown out with some regularity. Also in many places you will probably want a water filter.

    Though for many in the US, unreliable power, internet and water likely won’t be that different.