Historically, I’ve perceived Reddit as slightly left leaning, with strong pockets of conservatives. Recently though, a vast majority of comment sections seem to excuse violence, such as in this thread (TW: police brutality), where people say things like

TW: Supporting violence

The students didn’t hurt the bullets, right?

They paid to learn so… You go learn today


And I’m seriously wondering when Reddit got so bad that the hivemind supports calls for violence. Are these humans? Are they bots? Why does reddit allow this conduct?

  • madcaesar@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It’s also so, so, sooooooo easy to post right wing bullshit because it’s always emotional shallow and without any nuance.

    So if you say immigrants are stealing all our jobs and committing crimes all over our country! People are already getting riled up, while I have to spend 5 minutes explaining that while we have to secure our borders immigrants aren’t the cause of all our woes.

    And while I’m in the middle of my 5 minute explanation debunking your first horseshit point, you interject “Gays are over running our schools and molesting our kids!”…

    So yea… The truth has a huge disadvantage in the online space because it’s so easy to spread lies.

    • stembolts@programming.dev
      2 months ago

      The bullshit asymmetry principle.

      It takes far more text to disprove bullshit than spout the bullshit itself.

      Then, to prevent your followers from reading the debunking, introduce, “Lol libs sure do write a lot, they do that because they are dumb and triggered!”

      And, “I love the poorly educated” (because they haven’t been taught how to apply reason to arguments so they can’t see through my historically well-known hate tactics because they don’t read books.)

      But they do understand, “Sleepy Joe!” “Crooked Hillary!”

      So yeah, you’re encountering bullshit asymmetry, it sucks and our job is hard, but hey, since we are on the topic of slogans, let me paraphrase a famous one. “We do this thing or that thing not because it is easy, but because it is hard.”

      The decision you always have is knowing when to fight and when to walk away from someone who isn’t ready to listen.