One example, from just up the Ivy-garlanded I-95, at Brown University, was announced just hours before Shafik again called in the police. Brown’s governing body agreed to vote on a proposal that would divest the school’s endowment of companies affiliated with Israel in a meeting in October. The proposal is based on a 2020 Advisory Committee on Corporation Responsibility in Investment Practices that identified and recommended divestment from “companies that facilitate the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory,” per the Brown Daily Herald.

In exchange, the university’s nonviolent student protesters agreed to vacate their encampment by 5 p.m. that afternoon.

Another plausible outcome from California: When a similar encampment went up a few days ago at the University of California, Irvine, it seemed likely that police might sweep the protesters away. Orange County sheriff’s deputies began to appear in riot gear near the protest.

But, rather than traffic in vague allegations of misconduct before hiding behind a belligerent mayor and an aggressive police force, like Shafik, the UC–Irvine administration took a much different tack. “UC Irvine respects the rights of any students to engage in free speech and expression including lawful protest,” the school said in a prepared statement. This, remember, is at a public school, where keeping public police forces away is more challenging than a private enclave like Columbia.

And in fact, Irvine’s mayor did get involved in the action. Not long after that, Mayor Farrah N. Khan issued a resounding statement declaring that she would not tolerate any violation of students’ free speech or right to assembly. “I am asking our law enforcement to stand down. I will not tolerate any violations to our students’ rights to peacefully assemble and protest.” She asked the deputies to leave, and they did.

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    5 months ago

    I mean…we have witness of this happening in the 40s, with Jews being locked out of American schools. Dunno if you’ve seen that photo going around but it’s pretty striking.

    We’ve got witness of it 30 years later when the students in Iran were on the streets calling for change (change that led to my family having to flee) so we know for sure that students can and definitely will be wrong at times.

    The students could be right today, if they are they sure have lined up with some of the worst people this world has to offer, with the regime in Iran, Hamas and Russia lining up to support. I’m fascinated by the Saudis coming to the defense of Israel and American kids protesting against Israel right now. If you told me this would happen twenty years ago I’d have thought you were crazy. Turns out crazy is the flavour of the day.

      5 months ago

      Dunno if you’ve seen that photo going around but it’s pretty striking.

      I’m assuming you’re talking about this one:

      If so, it’s a bullshit false equivalence, and not even the right context/time/place.

      We’ve got witness of it 30 years later when the students in Iran were on the streets calling for change (change that led to my family having to flee)

      Seems like you’re misplacing your anger of the government’s actions on the students.

      The students could be right today, if they are they sure have lined up with some of the worst people this world has to offer, with the regime in Iran, Hamas and Russia lining up to support.

      A broken clock is right twice. And let’s be honest, Iran and Russia are only in it to see the US’s interests (Israel as a middle east oil base) fail. And no students are lining up to side with Hamas, they’re protesting the genocide.

      The USSR, China, North Korea, and Cuba sided with the students when they protested the Vietnam war. Same shit, different year.

      Turns out crazy is the flavour of the day.

      Given that “stop killing people” is currently a controversial opinion nowadays, yeah.

        5 months ago

        How is there a false equivalence between Jews being locked out in the 40s and Jews being locked out today? It’s clearly happened on multiple campuses and has been documented by more than a few pro Israel groups.

        I’m not misplacing anything or confused here. This is one thing I think Biden is getting right LoL, these aren’t protests. Protests are needed, these are crossing multiple lines in multiple locations and in many cases are not protests at all any longer.

        There’s way more people being killed in a lot of places right now. Have you considered what’s prompting this now? When the region was on the verge of widespread peace? After a half dozen countries turned away from war and chose peace and the biggest player in the region was about to follow. Have you considered that this isn’t the organic Movement that you harken to the past as your examples? I’m assuming you’ve seen the publication linking the funding for these protests together. Were the students protesting against Vietnam all using tents provided by the Vietnamese? You’ve surely noticed that coincidence right?

        Stop killing people…by supporting the people who kill people for not being in lock step with them really seems to be an interesting approach. I’m doubtful it’ll work, we’re seeing the people funding this mess step up their public hangings and jailing all while being cheered by the very people they’ve sworn to kill so ya, crazy really is the flavour of the day.

        The White western saviours have really established themselves as useful idiots here. It’s fascinating having a foot in both worlds listening to people actively involved on both sides and watching the utter stupidity breaking out in America that’s disconnected from reality. Crazy really is the only way frame it.

          5 months ago

          How is there a false equivalence between Jews being locked out in the 40s and Jews being locked out today?

          You could try reading the article:

          • “The attempted comparison falls flat since the color photo doesn’t show the April 2024 protests. It was taken during a separate pro-Palestinian protest at Columbia University in October 2023. There’s no evidence the protesters in the 2023 photo were blocking access to the college campus.”

          • “The photo was taken by The Associated Press in October 2023 during a separate pro-Palestinian demonstration at the school, days after the Hamas surprise attack that spurred the latest Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The photo’s caption doesn’t mention anything about the demonstrators blocking access to Columbia’s campus – for Jewish students or anyone else. The Columbia Journalism School also debunked the false claim on X on April 26, responding to a viral X post shared by singer Sean Feucht. “In this tweet, that has 22.8k views and was reposted on Instagram, Feucht claims that protestors blocked Jewish students from entering Columbia’s campus,” the post reads. “This is FALSE. The ‘2024’ photo was taken inside the campus gates in October 2023, at the latest.””

          It’s clearly happened on multiple campuses and has been documented by more than a few pro Israel groups.

          Prove it.

          Protests are needed, these are crossing multiple lines in multiple locations and in many cases are not protests at all any longer.

          This is needed. Thousands of people are dead, and that count is only increasing. Protests that don’t disturb the status quo or force us to look at the ugly actions going on are pointless.

          There’s way more people being killed in a lot of places right now.

          This is a whataboutism.

          Have you considered what’s prompting this now?

          The thousands of dead civilians, some of which having been found in mass graves, of which half are children, and half women is what is prompting this.

          When the region was on the verge of widespread peace?

          There hasn’t been peace in the region since before WW2.

          Have you considered that this isn’t the organic Movement that you harken to the past as your examples?

          I don’t give a shit how organic it is. Killing civilians is wrong.

          I’m assuming you’ve seen the publication linking the funding for these protests together.

          Why does that matter?

          Were the students protesting against Vietnam all using tents provided by the Vietnamese? You’ve surely noticed that coincidence right?

          Surely this is a joke?

          by supporting the people who kill people

          You have fundamentally lost the plot on what the students are saying.

          The White western saviours have really established themselves as useful idiots here.

          Yeah, nothing screams “white western saviours” like telling your university to stop funding a genocide.

      5 months ago

      Maybe you should correct yourself on the fact that Iran is not the palistinian people, Israel is not Jews. Conflating these things is going to lead you to side with oppressors.

        5 months ago

        I’d correct myself if I was wrong. But only the most ignorant would try and claim that the Iranian regime isn’t directly responsible for the conditions in Gaza Right now. Hamas is Iranian regime controlled and supported, and Gazans support Hamas. Being intentionally ignorant about the context doesn’t help the situation.

        Once the Palestinians choose peace over hate, peace will be had. Letting ignorance and misinformation spread like you’ve been the victim of only leads to more suffering.