Beijing is “picking a side” and can’t claim to be neutral any more, the US ambassador to NATO tells POLITICO.

China is helping Russia meet its war goals in Ukraine by continuing to sell supplies such as drone technology and gunpowder ingredients to Moscow, the U.S. Ambassador to NATO said in an interview.

“The PRC [People’s Republic of China] cannot claim to be entirely neutral in this case, [and] they are in fact picking a side,” Julianne Smith told POLITICO on Tuesday. “I think when the PRC tries to portray itself as neutral, when it comes to this war, we don’t buy it.”

Smith said the United States was “increasingly seeing materiel support” from China to Russia, adding that this equipment — which can have both civilian and military uses — had played a critical role in helping Moscow achieve some of its aims against Ukraine.

    5 months ago

    If there is one thing the unwavering support for the Israeli Genocide in Gaza from the likes of the US, UK and Germany has done was completelly burn their moral credibility.

    Nobody outside a very small political circle jerk of hard neolibs and fascists (applauded by their mindless tribalist useful idiots) around the US pays any attention to any criticism of other nations by this US Administration.

    Further, I suspect this doesn’t just apply in the “Global South” but also in most of Europe (as both the Brits and the Germans are atypical, though for different reasons, and there are a lot of europeans who, for some “strange reason” have an instinctive hate of larger more powerfull nations murdering people in weaker nations).

    Way to blow up your soft power to help out a bunch of murderous radical Fascists commit in a Middle Eastern Theocracy commiting Genocide along etnic lines.

      5 months ago

      I think many of us paying attention over the long term have realized that the US pretty much never had the right to even claim moral credibility. Whether evidenced by our treatment of our own citizens or our constant involvement in other countries we have corporate business “interests” with. We constantly destabilize and overthrow other countries for our corporate “masters.”

        5 months ago

        I think honest people want to believe the best of others, and the US under Biden got a lot of “he’s not the same as the others” goodwill up until the point he gave unwavering support to people that were mass murdering their neighbours in the most violent racist way possible, comparable only with the Nazis.

        It’s pretty hard to come across as a Humanitarian or ever just “not a Racist” when you’re excusing a Genocide because the nation comitting it has a certain majority etnic makeup and that’s exactly were not just the US but the UK, Germany and to a lesser externt some European countries went.

        Personally I wasn’t at all surprised by the US or the UK’s position but was about Germany. Clearly Germany’s “never again” wasn’t the Humanitarian version - “never again shall people be killed for their etnicity” - but the racist version - “never again shall our nation do this to Jews (not people in general but a very specific etnicity)” - which not only explains their “unwavering support for the Jewish Nation” but also the “strange” detail that the etnicity that was even more victimized by the Nazis - the Roma, aka Gypsies - post-War never received Germany’s unwavering support: guess some “etnics” never stopped being untermenschen.

        Being from a Southern European country - Portugal - and having lived in The Netherlands, before all this I assumed that the Dutch tendency to “try and be fair to other people” was also shared by their “High German” speaking neighbours. I was wrong, so very incredibly wrong!