• Anyolduser@lemmynsfw.com
    3 months ago

    Based on … What? A general sense of malaise?

    Malthus was full of shit.

    We’ve got nearly unlimited raw materials and energy available in the solar system. Now we have the technology to utilize them. That’s exactly what we’ll do.

    • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      No, the endless scientific reports that show a clear trend in data that you have already chosen to ignore in order to arrive at the conclusion you decided you would reach long before you reviewed any data.

      Again, no, our saviour isn’t going to come from the heavens. A can-do attitude isn’t going to fix the problems we have. The answer isn’t to capitalism harder.

      It costs billions just to bring a few rocks back from the moon. What on earth has convinced you we can bring back enough to sustain an entire planet?

      • Anyolduser@lemmynsfw.com
        3 months ago

        Why bring rocks back when there’s plenty of ore underfoot?

        Also did your “countless studies” that you totally read and didn’t just skim the headlines of not mention the natural trend of declining birth rates as education levels increase? Kind of seems like an oversight for someone who thinks there’s too many humans.

        • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Plenty for what exactly?

          I see, not content with making up your own science and your own reality, you have to make up that I only read the headlines. Oh, and despite me clearly saying genocide is of course wrong, I apparently think there’s too many humans too. Definitely a pattern emerging with you.

          I think we can see how you came to your “conclusions” and it certainly wasn’t the mountains of evidence proving you wrong.

          Some did mention it and some were about energy usage, the lack of materials we need to go full renewable, models of every option other than ECONOMIC degrowth, how ridiculous the idea of the answer being in the stars is, the crazy energy cost just to get closer to fully renewable, the concerted effort of lobby groups to convince people everything will be fine despite the evidence of their eyes and ears, the lack of being able to store renewable energy, the ultra high energy cost of extracting and refining uranium and many, many more problems not resolved by people being born at a slower rate.

          Seems a bit too much for toxic positivity to cope with.

          • Anyolduser@lemmynsfw.com
            3 months ago

            You thinking positivity and optimism are toxic tells me everything I need to know about you.

            The rest of us are going to move the species forward. The least you can do is try to keep your fatalism to yourself until you grow out of it.