• trailblazer911@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    AI can be disabled or removed from the installation file. Bloatware can be uninstalled manually/Winget/Chris Titus Tech Tools etc (You won’t have all these if you install English International) I never get Ads on Windows An OEM Licence is dirt cheap, and you don’t even need it Tracking can be disabled Define customizability? Less stable? Compared to what? I have never encountered Windows nor an Ubuntu crash unless there is some bad hardware like Memory instabilities). But I’ve had more driver crashes with Linux in modern systems (Both AMD and NVIDIA).

    • jkrtn@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      “Name one reason, I would like to try Linux.”

      “[Names some reasons]”

      “[Argues forever]”

      People like you are so irritating. What’s the point of doing this? If you wanted to argue about it then why lie to lure people into responding?

      It’s Linux, fuck’s sake, if you want to argue about it just make a top level post writing anything at all about Windows or any distro and you’ll have plenty of takers.

      • trailblazer911@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Argument was not the plan. Whenever someone speaks for Windows, it’s an argument. Whenever someone speaks for Linux, it’s a fact. Lemmy Logic. Had the question be Why is Linux Bad? I could have listed Driver Incompatibility with modern hardware. The reply will be it’s the Manufacturer’s fault- Somehow this is a more acceptable reply than just uninstalling some bloatware.

        If you find random people on the internet talking about pros and cons of an Operating System irritating, you have deeper problems to attend to.

        • jkrtn@lemmy.ml
          3 months ago

          Look at how mad you are on Microsoft’s behalf. So according to yourself, you have deep problems to attend to. Go get some help, then, good luck.

          • caustictrap@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            I think he perfectly described the lemmy linux community. Windows is not that bad like the people here says. It just takes some time after installation to uninstall the ms crap you dont want. Windows have the best compatibility with the software and hardware. It is a fact.

            • jkrtn@lemmy.ml
              3 months ago

              He’s pretending he doesn’t want to argue so that people will respond so that he can argue. I don’t give a damn what he uses.

              The two of you are in linuxmemes unhappy about how Lemmy linux users are being unfair to Windows. Good luck with that, I guess?

              You don’t need to pretend to want a genuine discussion “oh I do want to try Linux so much” to get an argument. Just be direct, plenty of people will oblige you. You’re doing fine, BTW, your position is clear, nobody responding to you about OSes will get anything they weren’t expecting.

              • trailblazer911@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                So you have finally agreed that people at lemmy, esp. linux memes would compromise on logic and facts to glorify linux to any extent and talk trash on Windows. Although these Linux fanboys pretend Windows is objectively worse, when asked reasons start blaming windows issues which have easy fixes. Also, every single time I’ve had a problem with Linux, the replies are:

                1. You lack the technical expertise
                2. It’s the hardware manufacturers fault
                3. This problem is unique to you.

                If Windows works for you, good for you. If Linux works for you, good for you. Both have pros and cons, do the risk vs benefit and cater to your personal needs. Instead of blindly shitting on Windows. Never seen Windows communities shitting on Linux, probably because they don’t keep the inferiority complex and don’t have the constant need to reinforce that Linux is superior all the time.

                • jkrtn@lemmy.ml
                  3 months ago

                  If you find random people on the internet talking about pros and cons of an Operating System irritating, you have deeper problems to attend to.

                  Go find some help.

                  • trailblazer911@lemmy.world
                    3 months ago

                    People like you are so irritating

                    I never claimed anything is irritating. Just a curious mind finding it fun to intimidate fanboys and hoping to find if there’s any logic or fact backing up the fanboyism aspect. You seriously have got nothing in your hands to counter my evaluation of the Linux Memes community, that most of it is shitting on Windows for no reason, so you resort to suggesting me to get some help. The only help I ever needed from the Linux Community was to get my WiFi, HDR, Fan controller working- The answer was it’s the manufacturer’s fault, and no real solutions. So I found out the help myself- Windows. Now you need to stop finding people on the internet irritating, I guess?

      • Honytawk@lemmy.zip
        3 months ago

        Name one good reason then.

        All these things are mild annoyances at best that can be disabled in a couple of clicks. At least, if you are technologically inclined. Which I hope you people are

        If it was something like needing an emulator just to run most software at lower framerates, or having no support for certain hardware, it would be a good reason.

    • RecluseRamble@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      3 months ago

      AI can be disabled or removed from the installation file. Bloatware can be uninstalled manually/Winget/Chris Titus Tech Tools etc

      Ah, great. So we reached an era where a proper installation is more work with Windows than Linux. Don’t have to disable/uninstall anything on the latter (except maybe some shitty distros).

      • batmaniam@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        … I had never thought about it this way. You’re totally correct though. I spend way more time fighting with my windows machine than I do my linux these days. I also just have a lot less patience fighting it because it’s always due to some dumb shit it didn’t need to be doing in the first place.

      • trailblazer911@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Yes it has reached that stage. But yeah I sat for days to get my fan controller and HDR to work with Zorin OS and Ubuntu before giving up (Surely the manufacturer’s fault). But yeah debloating Windows takes less than 5 minutes with tools like Chris Titus Tech.

    • melooone@feddit.de
      3 months ago

      Tracking can be disabled

      Tracking is one of the main reasons I switched to Linux. You simply can’t know if Microsoft is tracking you, even if you turn off all of the settings. That is because it’s closed source.

      Bloatware can be uninstalled manually/Winget/Chris Titus Tech Tools etc

      Apart from this beeing exclusive to advanced users, in my experience, after updates or at least a reinstall you would have to do it again. And that was just getting on my nerves.

      I never get Ads on Windows

      That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen for anyone else.

      Look, maybe Linux is just not for you I get that. You’ve come accustomed to Windows and are happy with how it works for you. But for some people it might be a good choice. To give an example from my own life:

      I recently installed Debian 12 KDE (looks like windows) on my step dads laptop. He is not technically inclined at all mind you. And apart from setting up auto mounting his ssd, I never had to give him tech support again after that and he is very happy with it.