As stated above. I can go months without eating an egg, for example, and suddenly crave eggs benedict for breakfast everyday.

Good thing is my dietitian is aware of this executive dysfunction/quirk/habit and works closely with me to help me out planning meals in a way that works me.

Right now I am on a soup kick: Soup, soup, soup everyday, all day.

ETA A word

    4 months ago

    I can do that since I love certain foods but my wife absolutely cannot. She’s the exact opposite. She won’t make the same thing within a month. The closest she’ll come is left overs because she doesn’t want it to go to waste. The good thing out of that is that she’s learned to make a massive variety of foods from all over the world so we eat better than average. The downside is that we often have better food at home, it’s rare when a restaurant can out cook her, so we don’t eat out as often. Saves us a ton of money though.