• Ferrous@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    7 months ago

    As the next few decades roll by, and the US continues to backslide into fascism, it’ll be interesting to see your line of thinking evolve into

    “Well, look… John ‘blue-tie’ Smith isn’t the strongest candidate. Sure, he’s waging 4 genocides across multiple theaters, but compare him to Chris ‘red-tie’ Lee who wants to start 7 more genocides, and the answer of who’s the better candidate is very clear. Thank God for my liberal pragmatism. Vote blue no matter who!”

    The country is ratcheting further and further into fascism, and liberal ‘pragmatism’ is keeping people from asking real questions about how overarching political systems can be conducive to genocide. It obfuscates the real reasons behind the emergence of fascism.

    But sure, keep falling for the good cop bad cop routine - I’m sure after just 4 or 5 or 20 more democratic presidents, you’ll finally have the enlightened society you’ve been aiming for.

    • dynamojoe@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Your naivete is adorable. There is no third option. The best third party candidate since the years started beginning with “19” was H. Ross Perot and that guy got as many electoral votes as I did. Vote third party all you want but you’re a fool if you’re think you’re doing more good than harm. You’re like a child who doesn’t like carrots and hates broccoli voting for McDonalds. Ya ain’t getting McDonalds’, kid, and flipping the plate doesn’t help anyone but the dogs.

      Further, yes. Vote more democrats in. As democrats become the norm, and the center moves to the left, progressive policies and positions will become more popular and therefore plausible.

    • Dkarma@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      You don’t get how fptp voting forces this kind of system do you? You are always forced into a lesser of 2 evils especially with the electoral college.

      No one is “falling for anything”.

      Until systemic change happens this is literally all we can do.

      If the electoral college doesn’t get to 270 for Biden we get trump. That it. That’s the end game.

      You are completely clueless as shown by your simply ignorant wad of a post.the battles you’re talking about to move the party left happen at the primary level and what happened last primaries???

      Biden literally crushed everyone.

      He’s a political powerhouse as much as I dislike a lot of his policy he’s moving in the right direction to repair the damage trump did. Get onbard or don’t but either way get a clue