But I will say this, a movement can’t get along without a devil, and across the whole political spectrum there is a misogynistic tendency to choose a female devil, whether it’s Anita Bryant, Hillary Clinton, Marie Antoinette, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or J.K. Rowling [or Taylor Swift]. And there’s always gonna be people who seize on any opportunity to be misogynistic. So I would advise trans people and our allies [or environmentalists] to keep in mind, that J.K. Rowling [Taylor Swift] is not the final boss of transphobia [anti-environmentalism]. She’s not our devil. The devil is the Republican Party, the Conservative Party.

Natalie Wynn (emphasis and bracket text mine)

        • wildginger@lemmy.myserv.one
          7 months ago

          Chartered flights do the exact same thing that is the issue with private flights.

          So, yes, you do think the problem is that the plane is owned by one person.

          • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            You do know that there are many examples where commercial airlines are not practical, right?

            Medical flights, for example.

            Then there are indigenous communities in Alaska where chartering a flight is the easiest way off the island. I suppose we should fuck them over like we usually do.

            • wildginger@lemmy.myserv.one
              7 months ago

              You understand that swift isnt a doctor or someone living in a remote island town right? You grok that using charter does exactly nothing to change why she is getting criticism, yes?

              Or do you think that because there is some acceptable ways to use a plane, that means all ways that use the plane must be acceptable via the transitive property?

              Or are you seriously trying to call me a fucking racist because you think alaskan natives take charter planes for 15 minute car ride distances?

              • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                Got it. Since Taylor Swift isn’t a doctor or on a remote island, end all charter flights.

                Are you a racist? No. Do you care about indigenous people? Clearly not since you want to end charter flights due solely to Taylor Swift no matter how much it hurts their community.

                As for the 15-minute distances, I said that way way too short in my very first post, and repeatedly said so other times, so you must not be only talking about 15-minute charter flights because otherwise you either didn’t read what I wrote or are gaslighting me. Which of those three is it? I’m guessing it’s the “ban all charter flights” one since you have suggested that multiple times. Which, again, means you don’t give a fuck about indigenous people.

                Also, it sometimes only takes 15 minutes to island-hop. Say… between one indigenous community to another. But since that is a bad thing, fuck them. Right?

                • wildginger@lemmy.myserv.one
                  7 months ago

                  Right, because when someone says swift shouldnt be chartering, that secretly means end the concept of chartered flights.

                  Lile how when your mom told you that you werent mature enough for a puppy, what she really meant was strangle all dogs to death, forever.

                  Really really really gross to use minorities as a meat shield for a billionaire, there, reject reddit mod. Fascinating that you think you can island hop in a car in 15 minutes, btw.

                  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    You said the issue was chartered flights, not Taylor Swift taking chartered flights. It’s not my fault that would fuck over indigenous people.

                    But fine, let’s ban Taylor Swift personally from taking chartered flights. I’m not shielding her. Problem solved?

                    I mean seriously, a cursory glance of my comment history would tell you that I don’t defend billionaires.