The Sam Vimes “Boots” theory of socioeconomic unfairness, often called simply the boots theory, is an economic theory that people in poverty have to buy cheap and subpar products that need to be replaced repeatedly, proving more expensive in the long run than more expensive items.

    5 months ago

    Aha, okay, that makes sense. So now you got a working repellant device and a cool gold ring? Sounds like a win-win to me.

    Also, from the other side of the table, I really do know that feeling of seeing the ring and being a little more at ease, even though it doesn’t make any tangible difference. Like, I wasn’t going to hit on you regardless, but now I know that you know I’ve seen the ring, so you won’t assume I am going to hit on you, if that makes sense. Not that I’ve ever been involved in such a misunderstanding in real life, but it’s still nice to remove the question, I guess.