• credit crazy@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Do you like get offended when a WW2 movie has Nazis in it. I’m not even saying your wrong I’m just wondering why you find disgusting acts being the butt of a joke a bad thing.

    • Urist@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      5 months ago

      No, because the movie is about WW2. Nazis are part of the setting.

      This is a “joke”, on my feed. There is no other content here. Tom Hanks was not cruel to women in the movie.

      Unless you are implying that by viewing Lemmy I should get used to casual objectification of women for basic and old jokes, then I suppose that’s a great point, Lemmy is very much like that.

      Edit: A better comparison is a racist joke. Even if the “butt” of the joke is “haha that guy is racist”, I don’t want the N word showing up on my feed, either.

      • kase@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Edit: A better comparison is a racist joke. Even if the “butt” of the joke is “haha that guy is racist”, I don’t want the N word showing up on my feed, either.

        I personally don’t think the comic was wrong, I agree with what chimbalumber wrote in their comment. That said, I do understand, and relate to, the desire to not see jokes involving sensitive subjects or explicit dark humor. (I dunno quite how to word that, but hopefully it makes sense.)

        I won’t argue what content should or shouldn’t be allowed in this specific community, I’m not super involved here. But I do remember one nice thing we had on reddit was separate subs for stuff like this. Maybe there’d be one comic strips sub where anything was allowed, one that was more, idk, family friendly? Etc. I dunno if we have that kind of thing here yet, or if this is the only (active) comic strip community. But it might be worth a try to look for/create one ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯