I don’t get it. Her music is sometimes catchy but otherwise unremarkable, from the songs I’ve heard. How does she break all these records and accumulate so much fame and wealth?

She’s pretty, but a lot of singer songwriters are, especially those with makeup and costume people, a support staff.

Is there something else to her that people like?

I’m confused about what makes her so apparently uniquel or phenomenal.

  • bostonbananarama@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    She’s a pretty amazing song writer, which is really uncommon for pop stars.

    Just because you make pizza, doesn’t mean you don’t make great pizza. I’m not saying she’s out here making $0.99 Mr. P’s Pizzas (“fabulous” in their own right).

    Then you also have to consider that she’s Gen Z, has been doing this for 18 years, and has managed to stay fairly relevant most of that time.

    I’ve considered it, but it’s not true. She may appeal to Gen Z but she was born in '89, making her dead center of being a millennial.

    I’ve never said she’s bad, but if you’ve ever listened to more complex music, her’s isn’t that. She’s great at what she does, and seemingly smart and levelheaded, and that’s fantastic. But to say her songs are masterpieces that are like beautifully woven tapestry of lyrics and music, I don’t see it. And, in all fairness, if they were, she’d probably have a fan base 95% smaller.