It’s beautiful.
It’s beautiful.
It’s actually owned by AOL, which is owned by Yahoo. So you get tracked by Google, Netscape, AOL, and Yahoo
You’re probably right, I’ve only used old nokias with symbian, so I wouldn’t know.
There are kaios phones, which are basically very weak smartphones (like 512 mb of ram weak) that run kaios, which is android. They perform poorly enough that you wouldn’t want to use for social media, and you can run whatsapp on them
Alright so, TLauncher is owned by a big bad Russian company, buuuut they were a pillar of my early-ish childhood thanks to free Minecraft, so yeah, your choice.
The crew 2 was $1 on steam. I use linux. The game has anticheat :(
Tidal is actually THE highest paying platform for artists if I remember correctly.
However, tidal adjusts it’s prices for the country’s gdp, so it’s half the price here in Romania. This also means the artists payout is reduced, so that’s worth noting.
I meant hz, sorry
I have tinnitus. It manifests as a sharp sinewave as well. For a week however, the frequency of the sinewave dropped. It sounded exactly how a medium frequency sinewave from my phone, at around maybe 500 mhz, and it could go down to around 400. It was just for that week, and then it stopped.
Your comment reminded me of that, and I thought it’s an interesting enough story
What app is THAT? I’m really curious
I’m so exited for the album. I can’t wait to see what they do next!
And as for my answer, I saw the post right during the crossfade period between two songs, so I’ll let you choose:
Midnight Sun in my ass
Demonic Future in my ass
Yeah, forgot the name
There are open source alternatives to Google photos, a good example which uses material 3 (you) is fossify photos
I don’t feel abused by the post. In a fucked up way, it’s kinda funny. But that doesn’t mean it’s fine. I’ve heard much worse. Not necessarily about fat people, but other minorities. Being transgender here is impossible, for example. I have a trans friend and I have to hear my mother bitch about whatever “advantage” trans people have, but “shouldn’t”. I’m fine, but others aren’t.
Kinda went off track there, sorry.
I’m fat, I’ve been trying to lose weight for a couple of months now, and I can say, being fat is not good. So yeah, lose weight everybody.
Inside Out is a great example of just that. While I couldn’t find the scene, here’s an excerpt from
*Entering the Abstract Thought Chamber in Inside Out caused the characters to turn into 2D figures with increasingly less defined shapes. *
If I remember correctly, the characters actually acknowledge the shift to less detailed artstyles.
Watch out for rule 5: no how to questions.
But, for your question, I search using the search function on my client, eternity. For many smaller communities, they’re not going to be active.
It’s kinda funny, I saw them live a couple of weeks ago, and they only played one song from the great heathen army, heidrun. Most played were from jomsviking, berserker and twilight of the thunder god, with 3 each. Still an amazing show though lml
I had the same problem 2 weeks ago. I uninstalled it. Fixed it. If you don’t want to uninstall, set a timer for 0 minutes a day, if you have that feature.