I seriously doubt that. It’s rabble rousing.
I think that isolating oneself in a cave might be best.
Imagine an illusion, the matrix, built not of scifi machinery but of habit, maintained by the presence of others.
Get alone and the habits dissolve. And then the invisible becomes visible.
When both sides are full of professional liars, that won’t work.
We might have to settle for not knowing.
Yes of course.
But by what method or algorithm does this DECENTRALIZED SOCIAL MEDIA system protect us from propagandists and censors?
What is a method in THAT?
Distributed tagging and voting? The grace of our benevolent moderators? Something else?
I mean, combatting propaganda and censorship is the #1 issue here.
How do we protect ourselves from propagandists and censors? Large, small, popular and individual.
I might add, “become comfortable with uncertainty”. Because nothing drowns you in a swamp of bullshit like an excessive need for certainty.
Repeating “they are bad and dumb” ad nauseum is no way to inspire sane conversation. It’s just echo chamber circle jerk.
I find that the people who use terms like “right wing loser” are indistinguishable from the people who use terms like “left wing loser”.
That’s fair. But I actually admire the guy. And you people tend to witch-hunt like a bunch of Monty Python extras on crack. So you see where I’m coming from.
That’s the best way
our thoughts are given form by language and vocabulary
And our experiences, and our intelligence, too. Right?
Which makes the challenge one of navigating that mess.
No. Can you link me?
ok, watched the video. Ya, that’s a pretty fascist salute there.
There is the theory that we feel emotions first and then we think only to justify the emotion.
This would imply that it isn’t the thinking that needs to be managed but the emotions.
This is mob insanity at work. There is no nazi.
He’s just waving at the audience for Christ’s sake.
I get censored here all the time.
Brave and creative.
Come on @Infinitus@lemmy.world . It’s just talk. You aren’t afraid of talk, are you?
Are you afraid that you might say the wrong thing? That you might get in trouble for saying the wrong thing?
Well, you answered your own question 3 times. Consider the nature of that kind of conversation.
In a nutshell, thinking coarsens as it passes hand to hand. First-hand is finest. Fourth-hand is a crude and nigh-solipsistic.
So that’s one argument for independent thought.