2 term presidents: Obama 2009-2017, G.W. Bush 2001-2009, Clinton 1993-2009. so every president for 3 decades except Bush and Trump.
2 term presidents: Obama 2009-2017, G.W. Bush 2001-2009, Clinton 1993-2009. so every president for 3 decades except Bush and Trump.
However, the Soviet Famine killed between 5.7 and 8.7 million people and the population of Gaza and the west bank is only ~5 million, so the famine might have been worse, but no one wins when you play the suffering Olympics.
Is not having $450 million going to hurt his appeal that he wasn’t lying about having billions?
Where is Alanis Morissette when you need her.
Tankies yell about things that already happened.
Sometimes they don’t talk about things that happened.
using a devastating neurological diseases as an insult, is wrong, but using it a a reason that he shouldn’t run a country is fair. Also, is he trying to make his Poor judgement, Loss of Empathy, Socially Inappropriate Behavior, Lack of Inhibition, Inability to Concentrate or Plan, Frequent Abrupt Mood Changers, Speech Difficulties, and Memory Loss hang in a more flattering way?
There was a time when if someone wanted to reach you after hours they had to call your house and leave a message on your answering machine. now you have “bosses” that get pissy if you take 5 minutes to respond to a text in the middle of the night.
Seasonally and yearly there are different demands for crops. The government incentivizes and disincentivizes growing different crops at different times to promote a healthy market, and stable food supply.
could also be a reflection of male privilege.
Lets Go! Dark Biden JACKED UP on Freedom Steroids! riding his Socialist Bicycle into a brighter future!
Never get involved in a land war in Asia, never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line, and never fuck with AMERICA’S BOATS!
1991: Year of the Linux Desktop
I thought they were Seagulls and was confused.
this comment reads like it was written by a LLM.
“Why should we pay for another server one works just fine, a second would just be waisted money.”
“We need 9 9s of reliability or the company will fail.”
This isn’t what we meant when we said bring back transparent electronics.
I want to find the cheapest item by weight with free shipping, really stick it to the man.
so far 17¢/lb for sand is the best I’ve found.
Report: Deadly weapon
There are 5 times as many trans people in America as there are whyomingans.