I’ve had great interactions with doctors. All the time.
On the very few occasions I’ve ever been visited by a cop (once?) it was fine. Couldn’t call it life affirming or anything, but it was polite and respectful both ways.
I’ve had some incredible teachers over the years. My 6th grade math teacher stands out. My biology teacher in high school was also my swim coach, and he was lots of fun. I had some good teachers in college. I had some good teachers in the Army.
I mean I’m not going to pretend the army was a good time, but there were lots of good people in it.
I don’t think I’ve ever really been to court. One time I got called in for jury duty and sat there for 4 hours and that was that. It was fine, you know?
Are there bad examples of all these things out there? Hell yes. Because ask of these people are human just like the rest of us. They have good and bad days. Some are sadistic assholes, others are empathetic and kind - probably just like wherever you are and whatever you do with yourself.
There is one thing I believe holds true. If you see assholes everywhere you go, you’re the problem.
I worked for them for a year as a contractor. That’s one place I’m glad I don’t work any more. Weird as fuck. The people there were normal but the policies and things felt cultish to me.