Hi, Once in a while I try to clean up my tabs. First thing I do is use “merge all windows” to put all tabs into one window.

This often causes a memory clog and firefox get stuck in this state for 10-20 minutes

I have recorded one such instance.

I have tried using the “discard all tabs” addon, unfortunately, it is also getting frozen by the memory clog.

Sometimes I will just reboot my PC as that is faster.

Unfortunately, killing firefox this way, does not save the new tab order, so when I start firefox again, it will have 20+ windows open, which I again, merge all pages and then it clogs again !

So far the only solution I have found is just wait the 20 minutes.

Once the “memory clog” is passed, it runs just fine.

I would like better control over tab discard. and maybe some way of limitting bloat. For instance, I would rather keep a lower number of undiscarded youtube that as they seem to be insanely bloated.

In other cases, for most website I would like to never discard the contents.

In my ideal world, I would like the tabs to get frozen and saved to disk permanently, rather than assuming discard tabs can be reloaded. As if the websites were going to exist forever and discarding a tab is like cleaning a cache.

  • Sanctus@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    If you need quick access to this many pages I suggest organizing bookmarks. As this is what they are meant for. Tabs are meant for active pages you are working with. So anytime you get that many tabs with any browser its gonna run like shit.

    • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
      4 months ago

      I find organizing bookmarks incredibly tedious. I have bookmarks folder with thousands of tabs in and it’s just easier to use google again to re-find the information than to pick them out of bookmarks. Also tabs just keep the title and URL so you can’t even search the text inside. So, organizing a library of tabs is like a much worse version of google without previews. I also use the session manager addon but again, when you open thousands of tabs, it clogs up the memory almost instantly. It’s taking multiple gigabytes of ram, just to display a few kilobytes of text ! I wish the browser would just render the page as a static searchable text and image and then ditch all the javascript garbage.

      • Sanctus@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        May I ask why you have to have this level of access to thousands of pages? Even for my job I have maybe 8 active that I use Firefox keywords to jump to.

        • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
          3 months ago

          I would prefer not to save and tags tabs 500 times per day. It’s easier to let them accumulate and handle them all in memory.

          500 tab save and tag per day is too much labour, I would spend half my day just fiddling and sorting bookmarks !

    • tyler@programming.dev
      4 months ago

      Nah, FF handles thousands of tabs just fine. I literally have just as many if not more tabs than OP and have never seen this issue. It’s either from the merge they’re doing or something else. It would be better if y’all just worked under the assumption that this does work and something is otherwise wrong with op’s setup.

      • Sanctus@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        The issue is parsing all that. There is no way you can keep that many tabs readily accessible like tabs are meant to be. Which is why these addons were born and are not official parts of Firefox. This is one of those just because you can doesn’t mean you should situations. I get they’ve adopted this workflow, but reading through this it sounds more like daily driving than actual work. Which makes this even more bizarre, you can’t read them all, they have to reload when you open them after a while (ie download again) so all points are moot. You aren’t saving the page, you are holding onto a shell that will request the page again when you wake it up. If the server went offline never to be seen again your tab will not hold the information.

        With this workflow, it might be better to have a crawler dump everything into folder hierarchies that are content searchable, and then search that like google using specialized software. I dont see any other reason you could even have 1k tabs open efficiently, you aren’t searching through that, might as well google again and follow the purple links.

  • Rimu@piefed.social
    4 months ago

    I’m really curious about the workflow you have that needs that many tabs. How does the History and Bookmark functions fall short of what you need?

    • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
      4 months ago

      It’s easier to use google than the bookmarks manager, which can’t even find text inside the pages. I do often dump all those thousands of tabs into a bookmarks folder. And it has never happened that I went back into that enormous pile to fetch something that would take hours to find again. I have no use for the history either. A gigantic, alphabetic ordered list of everything I have seen in the last 7 days. Again, easier to just use google.

      The one thing that is better and faster than google, is not closing those tabs that may contain the stuff I need.

      Of course, it’s not really possible to search the text body of open tabs, unless you search them one by one.

      But I’m going to ask for only one computing miracle at a time !

      • optissima@possumpat.io
        4 months ago

        What I’d recommend, based on the insistence that seeing to not change your workflow, is to locally download the pages you have open with httrack, wget or a similar application. This would allow you to locally search all your tabs and their contents very quickly without Google, they will load faster because of lack of needing to redownload them, which if I understand correctly Firefox is trying to do at some level.

        • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
          4 months ago

          Thanks, I didn’t know that one.

          I have been experiementing with a transparent proxy like squid or something like Archive Box, to create static pages on the fly and load that.

          But so far I’ve not made something seamless and pleasant to use. It would have to be at least as low friction as using google.

          I am going to try using Mixtral 8x7b to perform natural language search over my archives and pull tabs from the collection of all pages I have ever seen. But that’s still a long way away from being operational !

          • optissima@possumpat.io
            4 months ago

            …has Google still been giving you the same results recently? This is an extremely weak link in your setup to me. You’d be better off looking at a locally run search engine like peARs or something similar with locally downloaded and indexed files if you insist on using search, and it’ll be waaaay more reliable than an LLM here.

            • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
              4 months ago

              Google is giving me increasingly poor results, I am looking into deploying Searxng locally.

              I really would like to operate my own local crawler and sorting algorithm.

              I will check out the peARs you mentionned !

  • chillhelm@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I’m not going to tell you that you’re managing your information wrong. I would physically die if I had ever more than 20 tabs (my ADHD couldn’t handle it).

    But I think you might be using the wrong tool. A browser (like Firefox) is not really designed as an information manager. It’s primary purpose is navigating and visualizing web pages. So when you talk about “a few megabytes of text and images” thats not what your browser sees. Your browser handles more than just the text and images. It also handles fetching and prefetching, a browser history for every tab, a JS context and much much more.

    What you want is some kind of personalized archiving system that processes websites into machine processable (ie searchable) structures. Firefox is not that. Maybe data hoarder communities will have the answers you seek.

    • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
      4 months ago

      Well so far, it would be too much friction and extra labour to export each tab to external software.

      I’m not even sure what software other than a browser would display live web pages in a more organized manner than firefox ?

      I’m pretty sure I just hit a bug that’s causing firefox to wake up too many tabs and not handle tab discarding correctly. Firefox does seem like the best tool still even if it’s not working right.

      What I would like instead is a browser that treats tabs more like virtual machines that you can roll back, suspend to disk and resume. Little package of data that get frozen in time and are externally searchable.

      Anyway, here’s my setup

      • chillhelm@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        What I would like instead is a browser that treats tabs more like virtual machines that you can roll back, suspend to disk and resume. Little package of data that get frozen in time and are externally searchable.

        Maybe look at ArchiveBox. IIRC it has pretty much everything you ask for including an import from your browser history and bookmarks.

  • enbyecho@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    You are manually caching web content. Were you aware that (a) your browser does that for you; (b) the internet does that for you ?

    I’m as guilty of this as anyone and can tell you from experience that it’s sutpid.

      • originalfrozenbanana@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Then you will have software that doesn’t work. This is not a Firefox problem, or a problem of extensions, or anything but a user problem.

        If your 1998 Toyota Camry is struggling to haul a cargo container up a hill it’s not the car’s fault. You’re doing it wrong. Whatever tasks you’re trying to do with 1000 tabs, a web browser is the wrong tool for the job.

  • orcrist@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    From a practical standpoint, it’s hard to imagine what you could possibly be doing where it’s beneficial to have a thousand tabs open.

    If I’m writing a research paper, I might want 5 or 10 tabs open at a given time. Let’s say I’m a little chaotic so I get up to 20. And then limitations on my working memory kick in, and having any more open tabs actually makes me worse off.

    But then let’s suppose it’s a thesis that’s 50 pages long. So I might be relying on 40 or 50 references. I’m not relying on them all at the same time, right? So I definitely don’t want to keep those tabs open all at the same time.

    What I could do, and what you could consider, is either bookmarking things or using archive.org to make a backup of the pages.

    In one of the other comments you mentioned Facebook. That has me a little concerned again with your objectives. If it’s something private on Facebook that can’t be recovered later, and you need something reliable, then you have no choice but to do long screenshots or scrolling videos. If it’s not reliable, then why do you care so much to keep the window open? Just close the window, remember whatever you remember, and move on with your life.

    Whatever you do, here’s a few rules of thumb… Your web browser is not an archiving tool. Printing to PDF is one way to archive things. There are other ways to archive things too. You don’t actually need to archive as much as you might think you need to archive. Most of the things that we think might be important now actually won’t be useful at all three months from now. Rarely would one actually want to have a thousand sources of information for any given task.

  • Eager Eagle@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    geez, just press Ctrl+W when you’re done with a tab, or if the tab is older than a couple hours

    I don’t understand why some are so attached to tabs. Search your history if you need it again.

    • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
      4 months ago

      I tried closing tabs, I have to finish reading them, make sure I got everything and that whatever reason I had for opening that tab was done. The result is that I spend all most all my time trying to close and sort and order tabs instead of doing what I was trying to do in the first place. And then the browser freezes for 10 minutes.

      Something is very wrong that 64GB is nowhere near enough to handle a few megabytes of text. And searching text inside of all tabs is an unthinkably difficult operation ?

      Where did the web go wrong !?

      • settoloki@lemmy.one
        4 months ago

        It’s not the web it’s you dude. You’re not using the software the way it’s intended to be used. There is no reason at all to ever need 1000+ tabs open.

      • Eager Eagle@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        It’s not the web. It seems to me you might have an attention deficit issue. Try improving your workflow.

          • Eager Eagle@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Say these problems are fixed for now. How many tabs is enough? How do you see this tab hoarding progression being sustainable at all?

            • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
              4 months ago

              I would put the full text, image and video of every tab I have ever opened into the context memory of an open source LLM if I could. I would only consciously delete stuff that needs to stop existing immediately, like doxxing data or illegal data or malicious code.

              This is like asking, how many email should you keep.

              Well at work we auto delete all emails after 60 days.

              But my personal email has every email going back to 2006, the last storage failure before backup, and it’s all quickly searchable.

              The other limit would be storage space, but my cluster has still 180 terabyte empty space, I don’t see that getting filled up from plain browser data any time soon.

              Of course, I would like better automated data catalogging tools. I would like to ask my local open source LLM to “pull up all tabs regarding 7 megahertz maser project” and it should should open a browser window that contains every tab I have ever come accross on that topic. Including now-dead websites. It should all be sorted by date, it should know to put the more basic tabs to the left and the cutting edge stuff on the right. All this without me tagging a single thing, without wasting a minute of my time doing sorting busywork.

              It is the job of the computer to organize my data, in an offline, private, reliable, open source-based, enshittification-proof manner with infinite memory and perfect recall. So that I can get on with doing the stuff that I want to do and not fiddle with browser settings.

              Mozilla foundation has revenues in the 500 million range and a 7 million a year CEO, I expect nothing less.

              I applaud their initiative with llamafile, however I hope that was just an appetizer.

              • subtext@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                That’s fair, maybe you’re using the wrong tool though, something like an internet archive sounds more like what you need.

                Take every tab you open and save a PDF, all the text, and all the images, then put a timestamp on them before deleting the tab. That’s not the point of a browser though, that’s an entirely different product.

                You’re welcome to build it though, or ask Microsoft if they can make Recall work for tabs.

                • d-RLY?@lemmy.ml
                  4 months ago

                  I was going to also say that OP might be wanting something like Recall (which might be one of the few instances where it constantly saving shit would be perfect). But they would need like the most extreme version that isn’t just saving searchable screenshots.

                  I also think that one major issue for OP is more about how the actual sites are coded these days. As even if a single tab is being used, the shit can just decide to force it to update the contents at any time (like how just having Gmail open you will see new messages just show up even without refreshing your browser).

                  It seems like the perfect situation for OP would be if the web still worked like it did pre-web 2.0, but with using the current version of FF. Outside of that, it really seems like they need to just start having sites be auto-completely downloaded for full offline use.

                  I am still shocked that the main issues being had seems to be that it taking 10s of mins to allow FF to process that much stuff is the frustration. Which does seem to mean FF is holding up pretty well given the situation. Their complaint about tab isolation being too much overhead seems odd though. As it would seem that going back to not having that would mean a much higher chance of just everything just being yeet-ed out of nowhere.

                  I am not sure how their headspace of using virtual machines approach would be much better as shit would still have the issues of sites still self-updating and loading up in the first place. Though given they seem to have dramatically more coding experience, I am much more ignorant of this shit.

              • Eager Eagle@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                yeah mate - you need a knowledge management software, not a browser.

                tabs were always ephemeral and that’s unlikely to change because they’re much more than text and images.

                that’s simply an unreasonable expectation for a browser.

                I’m honestly surprised Firefox even handles more than a few hundred open tabs.

          • golden_zealot@lemmy.ml
            4 months ago

            Then invent the technology that makes what you want to do reasonable, otherwise don’t blame a drill for being incapable of hammering nails fast enough for you.

  • Fetus@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I terminate Firefox and reopen it any time it’s chewing up my RAM, but I usually don’t have more than 500 tabs open at any one time. My tabs persist when Firefox starts again, but tabs don’t fully load until I click on them again. This saves my memory from getting chewed up immediately, and can usually go a week or so before I need to do it again.

    • FigMcLargeHuge@sh.itjust.works
      4 months ago

      What? Even 500 tabs? I don’t understand this. I get about 10 open and I can’t read what they are. Please share a pic of what it has to look like with that many tabs open because I totally do not get this? I feel like this would be akin to asking “I can’t see out of my car windshield because I have completely covered it with sticky notes. How can I get to where I need to go?” This is not how browsers were designed to work.

      • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
        4 months ago

        I often have 100+, so I set a fixed width for tabs so I can see more and they don’t get too small. To find tabs, I use the drop down to see a scrollable list. But honestly, the biggest win is the “switch to tab” feature when typing in the URL bar.

        I see about 20 at a time, and they’re usually all related to the same topic because I opened them around the same time.

        When I’m done with a project, I “close tabs to the right” and it’s clean again.

      • tyler@programming.dev
        4 months ago

        I have over a thousand just like OP and it works fine. Use a tree style tab browser and it’s much more usable than chrome or anything like that. OP’s problem is not having too many tabs.

  • Undaunted@discuss.tchncs.de
    4 months ago

    I have no direct solution to you exact problem but your usage of tabs sounds like a nightmare.

    A while back I found Omnivore which works like a charm if you want to “freeze” the contents of a website to read them later. You can also self host it if you like.

    I took it a step further because I love Obsidian as personal knowledge management and I want to have everything in one place. There’s a plugin to sync all your saved pages from Omnivore to Obsidian. In the template for it I then have my marked highlights, the links to the version in Omnivore and the original URL and also the whole content. So I have all of that in markdown which is really nice to work with.

    Maybe that’s a solution you too could be happy with.

    • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
      4 months ago

      Thanks, never heard of Omnivore

      “Distraction free. Privacy focused. Open source”

      They do hit the right notes. I was going to try QOwnNotes but I’ll put that on my list.