• Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      The only way he’s not running is if the RNC rejects him. And that isn’t looking likely. No way he will concede on his own

  • Sam_Bass@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I swear he just loves to hear himself speak. Definite that he doesnt care what it is as long as its his own voice

    • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
      1 month ago

      I believe it was reported during the trial that most of the time he was barely paying attention, except for when they played recordings of Trump in court. Then he was fully engaged.

  • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    TikTok Communist Propaganda! Shut’em down! Shut’em all down, folks. Big Ghina isn’t going to be fooling those kids anymore, oh no. Looks like the Patriots will be back in control by November.

  • bcgm3@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Watching the video clip I caught myself pining for the days when Trump rants were at least coherent enough to resemble human speech.

    Like, of course everything he said is an easily disproven lie – some things never change – but at least the words came together to form sentences. I’m extra not looking forward to the daily news cycle in the coming months.

    • Ragnarok314159@sopuli.xyz
      1 month ago

      Just drive people to the polls. Help as much that you can to get the republicans out of office. It doesn’t have to be calling and bothering people, can be a lot of little things.

  • bill_buttlicker@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Omg who cares. He lies and says literally opposite things from previous things every single day. It makes no difference. He’s a shit human and no one is going to see this one example and think. “hmm maybe has had him pegged wrong…” just vote in nov please.

    • kronisk @lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I can understand the fatigue, but the alternative is silence and resignation. Someone has to be the sane voice that points out these things. Someone has to display consistent morals, or else society rots completely. You might not see a result immediately, but it’s not in vain.

  • Imgonnatrythis@sh.itjust.works
    1 month ago

    There I nothing he does that he hasn’t contradicted himself on or won’t in the future. Literally nothing. When you constantly cancel yourself out we have a name for that - zero.

  • yarr@feddit.nl
    1 month ago

    "Oh, the irony! It’s like a plot twist straight out of a reality TV show. Back in 2016, I was all about keeping the government running smoothly, and now? Well, let’s just say I’ve developed a taste for plot twists. You know, like when you find out the villain is actually the hero in disguise. Except in this case, the hero has a few court dates lined up. But hey, what’s a little legal drama between friends?

    In fact, having a sitting president under felony indictment is the new norm! Think of it as a bold new way to keep things interesting in Washington. No more boring government shutdowns – just high-stakes courtroom drama that keeps everyone on the edge of their seats. It’s the ultimate season finale every day!

    Plus, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good comeback story? So sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the show. After all, what’s a little criminal trial compared to a good old-fashioned constitutional crisis? Let’s make America entertained again!"

  • Wh33lz@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    It will all be overturned. I understand it is not the popular opinion. HAHA Trumps a felon and so on, but no way do we want a justice system to be what we are seeing right now. Alvin Bragg ran and was elected on a platform of going after Trump, and he did it. Doesn’t matter whether you’re a Democrat or republican, this won’t stand long.

    • kevindqc@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Wow, someone ran on a platform of prosecuting a criminal for their crimes? Holy shit. What has America become.

    • FreddyDunningKruger@lemmy.ml
      1 month ago

      12 jurors impartially reviewed the evidence, trump’s lawyers were allowed to DISPUTE that evidence, and in the end, those 12 jurors talked about it then came back and said with one voice, GUILTY AF.

      But thanks for playing.

    • Avatar_of_Self@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      But Bragg wasn’t 12 jurors at the trial. Prosecutors are also not the judge. An appeals court might overturn it but it has nothing to do with whether the DA ran on a platform to hold someone accountable to the justice system or not.

    • AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      What is there to appeal on? He can’t appeal the guilty conviction. He can only appeal if the trial was not following procedure, which the judge made absolutely certain that he had nothing to appeal.

      • kevindqc@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        And the jury made sure they fully understood the instructions by having them repeated.

        Good luck on your appeal 🤣

  • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    This won’t do anything. His base doesn’t care. They treat this like a sports team. He’s still “their” guy. The Cleveland Browns have a rapist as their quarterback. Despite everyone in Cleveland not being a fan of his extraciricular activities, I have seen no boycotts. I’ve seen no reduction in Browns gear here in Cleveland. I’ve seen no reason to believe that we’ve shown our front office that we won’t stand for a rapist on the team.

    It’s the same with trump/republicans. They’ve had several, countless even, oppertunities to exit the highway down the road that is trump. The fact that he emerged in 2016 as the republican nominee at all still feels like it was decided by a round of plinko.

    They should have looked at him from before 2016 and said no. They could have exited anytime between 2017-2021. They could have exited over J6. They could have exited in the aftermath of J6.

    They stayed on the highway that whole time. They aren’t getting off. They’re going to ride that highway until they drive off a cliff at the end.

    And in that sense, this article/post/video is nothing but a feel good moment for everyone else that ultimately doesn’t do, or change ANYTHING. Remember, he JUST claimed he never said “lock her up”. His base is unphased.

    • blandfordforever@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      I have no credibility or relevant qualifications. I’m just some random moron on the internet, but here’s my opinion:

      His base has been manipulated. They have a sunken cost. Each time something new and horrible comes out about Donald Trump, they have to either be OK with it or come to terms with the idea that they may have been wrong about him this whole time. They’ll react emotionally to this dilemma as if being wrong in this case would constitute a personal attack on their character.

      • Westwolf@lemm.ee
        1 month ago

        No, his base hasn’t been manipulated. They like Trump for one reason and one reason only: He makes you gnash your teeth. Trump is their revenge on you for being such self-righteous arrogant dicks and cheating in the political process. The only way Trump could lose luster in their eyes is if you guys all stopped freaking out about Trump, which won’t happen.

        • blandfordforever@lemm.ee
          1 month ago

          Do you care to elaborate on how Trump is revenge? I am honestly interested in your opinion.

          I think these “self-righteous arrogant dick” people are a very small minority of Democrat voters, just as any unflattering stereotype of Republican voters is only an accurate representation of the most unpleasant members of that group.

          I think part of the appeal of Donald Trump seems to have something to do with the fact that he is (or at least has been, or projects the appearance of being) rich and powerful, and then is just blatantly honest about the level of corruption and hypocrisy that the rich and powerful get away with. I think people like that honesty. Nobody wants to live in a rigged system.

          However, (and I think this is the part where you’ll get frustrated with me) he seems to be highly and openly corrupt. I think he wants to make corruption and abuse of power seem normal so that when he does it, he can act like it isn’t a big deal.

          It’s a big deal.

          • Westwolf@lemm.ee
            1 month ago

            Do you care to elaborate on how Trump is revenge?

            Starting in the 1960s, this country entered into a “culture war” that is, in many ways, similar to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. On one side, you have the postmodern liberal/left, which is motivated primarily by critical theory originating in post-Marxist philosophical movements. On the other side, you have modernist and traditonalist right (i.e. libertarians/neocons and the Christian right (I would be part the later group)). The right has been losing the culture war badly since the 1980s and the left has near total cultural dominance now, and has begun the process of destroying the modernist/traditionalist right through the school systems and its control of media. This has made the right feel utterly powerless and humiliated by the left, and has left them questioning whether the Republicans were ever actually representing them or were just stooges for the postmodern left the whole time.

            Donald Trump is the epitome of everything the postmodern left hates. He’s crude, belligerent, brashly honest about things you’re not supposed to be honest about, but essentially a congenital liar in all other regards. He’s sexist, he’s borderline racist, he’s anti-intellectual, and he’s a rich, powerful straight white man who makes absolutely no apologies for it and is absolutely swimming in unearned privilege.

            That’s why the right supports him. The right isn’t even allowed to question the left’s agenda, it’s dogma. They’re not allowed to participate in politics and culture anymore, they’re only recognized as the “bad guys,” the “enemy.” They feel like the only thing they can do is put a thumb in the left’s eye and make them hurt. So that’s why they are in love with Trump, and not a more sensible candidate like DeSantis. Because Donald Trump’s mere existence makes the left gnash their teeth.

            I think people like that honesty. Nobody wants to live in a rigged system.

            That’s certainly part of it. They do think everyone is as corrupt as Trump, but only Trump is willing to admit it.

            However, (and I think this is the part where you’ll get frustrated with me) he seems to be highly and openly corrupt. I think he wants to make corruption and abuse of power seem normal so that when he does it, he can act like it isn’t a big deal.

            I totally agree. The man is beyond corrupt. I genuinely believe your average family dog has a better understanding of morality than Donald Trump, who may possibly be the most venal, corrupt person to ever hold the office of President. It’s either him or Jackson. As I believe I said earlier, I’m not a Trump supporter. I’m a socially conservative Catholic who is moderate to liberal on economic issues, so naturally I’m very much opposed to the Democrats, but Trump doesn’t really hold any appeal to me (except insomuch as his election might bring Project 2025 to fruition). I’m also Gen X, so I’ve known who Trump was for 30+ years and absolutely cannot take him seriously. But I totally get why the conservative base – which is mostly made up of unideological reactionaries – has embraced him.

      • jballs@sh.itjust.works
        1 month ago

        With every new lie he tells or every new horrible thing he does, his supporters are forced to embrace it. And it just compounds. If they question him now, that would mean they’d have to question the hundreds of other things about him they’ve accepted.

        So if he says “the sky is green” then they have to accept it as fact. Because if they question it, then they have to question if he told the truth about getting a fair trial, and then they have to question if he actually tried to cover up sleeping with a porn star, then they have to question if he slept with a porn star, etc etc all the way back for at least a decade. It’s much easier just to accept the latest small lie than question everything you’ve believed for so long.

        • Westwolf@lemm.ee
          1 month ago

          No, if he says “The sky is green,” they don’t believe him. They turn to watch your face as you meltdown over it. Nobody cares if he slept with a porn star and fudged some paperwork, they just care that it makes you spin out into this kind of nonsense.

          • nilloc@discuss.tchncs.de
            1 month ago

            I think that might be true for a portion of his supporters, but there are definitely a religious group of them that take his word 100%.

            There are mean trolls who want to win the libs for sure, but there are also some really stupid motherfuckers out there.

      • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        God damn. I HOPE you’re wrong. As that would imply that roughly 48% of america is voting because of this refusal to admit to themselves that they were wrong.

        Hell, I KNOW I’m wrong a lot. There’s no reason to say “oh, maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” And then fix your mistakes. There’s even times I’m right 100% through an event, and then contexts change, and you have to admit the way you did it was actually wrong for reasons that hadn’t happened yet in that moment.

        We used to LOVE trump in 2004. Long before he was a politician. We loved him because he was easy to laugh at, and immitate in a mocking manner. But, now I know that watching clips of him on tv, only gave him ratings, kept him with a weekly paycheck for doing nothing. I now know if he went bankrupt in the 2000s, he wouldn’t have had the standing or money to run a campaign in 2016.

        So, oops. I was wrong for that. Difference is, we loved him like a clown. These people today love him like a savior. Which I do not understand.

        • Westwolf@lemm.ee
          1 month ago

          These people today love him like a savior. Which I do not understand.

          It’s very simple. For the last 30 years, liberals have become more and more self-righteous, arrogant, and idiotic in the policies they pursue. You’ve all lost any ability to argue and defend your positions, relying on cheap tactics like name-calling to mock, deride and dismiss the right without actually defending your increasingly insane positions. You’re all so far up your asses, so bigoted and condescending, that it has become impossible to have any sort of political dialogue.

          They hate you, they can’t reason with you, they can’t even get you talk to them without calling them fascists and bigots, all while you ignore the harm your own policies are causing. Donald Trump is your punishment. The people don’t love him a savior, they love him because he’s a giant middle finger in your face, and it makes you throw a temper tantrum.

          • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            And which policies might those be? The policies that stop ICE from seperating families at the border? Trying to end the acts of throwing them in large metal boxes with no water, some dying, in 110 degree heat?

            Or are you thinking of other policies?

            • Westwolf@lemm.ee
              1 month ago

              The policies that stop ICE from seperating families at the border? Trying to end the acts of throwing them in large metal boxes with no water, some dying, in 110 degree heat?

              Are those Democrat policies? Is that what you mean to suggest?

              Or are you thinking of other policies?

              Yes, I was thinking about Democrat policies. And while it’s true that separating families at the border is a policy that began under Obama, I think it’s largely thought of as a Trump policy.

              I meant policies like using mass immigration as a stop-gap measure to deal with the negative population growth caused by liberal anti-family values and embracing globalism to the detriment of American workers (which the right is also guilty of, but Trump is as much a thumb in the eye of the Republican establishment as he is the Democratic establishment).

          • Bytemeister@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            You’ve all lost any ability to argue and defend your positions, relying on cheap tactics like name-calling to mock, deride and dismiss the right without actually defending your increasingly insane positions.

            I honestly can’t tell if you’re trolling, or just really fucking oblivious.

  • lolola@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    1 month ago

    Now now. He said the felony indictment would create a constitutional crisis. The trial would grind government to a halt. His trial’s over, he’s already been convicted. Completely different situation.

    Sarcasm aside, I don’t expect this to matter much. Pointing out the hypocrisy never seems to do anything. Maybe hopefully it’ll peel off some hesitant voters on the margins, but will it cause the party to change course in any substantial way? I doubt it.

      • confused_code_monkey@lemm.ee
        1 month ago

        Exactly. I was going to reply to the original commenter saying, like, you know he’s still got 3 other trials actively in progress right? (Well, 1 of those is indefinitely halted, but still).

  • TakeBackAlberta@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    She is a criminal. He is not. It’s very simple to understand, if you watch anything that shows the whole story, not just Rachel Maddow.

      • Denvil@lemmy.one
        1 month ago

        Looking at his comment history, he’s either a troll or a fool, he supposedly supports Alberta moving away from the “climate hoax”

        • Lemminary@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Yeah, he’s a run-of-the-mill conservative. He’s one of the few who comment so much with such awful opinions that I’ve memorized his name.

    • glimse@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      There’s a lot of biblical-themed Trump pictures in your post history. Didn’t that dude cheat on his third wife with a porn star? What would Jesus say about that?

      • bcgm3@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        The last few years have really reinforced my feeling that a lot of so-called Christians don’t actually read the Bible, but just assume it backs up all of their other backwards beliefs.

        • Westwolf@lemm.ee
          1 month ago

          You have that feeling because you haven’t actually read the Bible. The historical books of the Old Testament, Joshua through Nehemiah, are full of stories of God using wicked and evil men to accomplish good things. For example, King Jehu, who reigned in the 9th century BCE, is an example of God using a wicked man for a good end. Anointed by a prophet sent by Elisha, Jehu was tasked with eradicating the idolatrous house of Ahab. He killed King Joram, Queen Jezebel, and all of Ahab’s descendants, fulfilling Elijah’s prophecy and eliminating Baal worship in Israel by deceiving and slaughtering Baal’s prophets. Despite his zeal, Jehu continued in idolatry by maintaining the worship of golden calves, illustrating how God used his ruthless actions to achieve reform despite Jehu’s own moral failings.

    • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      The only virtue your false savior upholds is white supremacy.

      To follow him is to abandon your faith for weak, petulant, anemic hatred.

      You are burning the very essence of your soul away and you won’t realize it until your last days left alone in a careless old folks home because you yourself instilled your children with the value to let a “burden” like you rot.

      • Westwolf@lemm.ee
        1 month ago

        This is ironic considering how many liberals will spend their last days left alone in a state-run nursing home because they didn’t have children. Assuming the government hasn’t fully embraced euthanizing senior citizens by then.

        • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
          1 month ago

          Wow so just coming right out and admitting you see hypothetical kids as nothing but free elder care services, once again, you’ll be in a home and you’ll deserve it.

          • Westwolf@lemm.ee
            1 month ago

            Let me get this straight. When you suggest that conservatives will be abandoned by their families into nursing homes, you are not admitting you see hypothetical kids as nothing but free elder care services, but when I point out liberals will end up in the exact same position because they failed to have children, I am somehow admitting I see hypothetical kids as nothing but free elder care services? That’s some impressive mental gymnastics you’ve done there.

            All I am saying is that while conservatives might be abandoned by the family they have (though this is mostly just leftist cope), liberals will definitely not be cared for by family they don’t have.

            • TakeBackAlberta@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              The main reason Christians and Conservatives don’t have family is because the left steals them from us.

              They lure our kids to their communist LGBT sex world, and convince them to hate their parents.

              They tell kids we’re intolerant because we treat people the way God wants and don’t care about their “respect other people’s morals” bullshit.

              There’s one way to live, according to God, and if they won’t follow it, then it’s time to start making it a requirement.

  • buddascrayon@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I think notorious waffler Lindsey Graham has proved conclusively that showing them their own hypocrisy is absolutely and completely pointless. They don’t care. They want theirs in power and they don’t give a shit how they get them there or what they’ve done before they got there. That’s why they can scream about non-existent child molesters and pedophiles on the left while voting for right wingers who’ve been actually found to be such.

    • chetradley@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I want you to use my words against me. If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said, ‘Let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination,’ and you could use my words against me and you’d be absolutely right.

      -Lindsay “nothing I say matters” Graham

      • tempest@lemmy.ca
        1 month ago

        He just left off the end bit which is something like “but being right doesn’t matter to my constituents who just vote R and hope the 1950s come back”