Petition to bring back full qwerty portrait oriented keyboard sliders like this. I miss this hardware style.
Or the scroll wheel stuff, it looked really good when UIs are made for it.
I loved my BlackBerry
Only took android 15 years to get it sort of right. 2009 pre was ahead of its time.
Towards the end you could easily load custom kernels to try and make the os less laggy. Ahh those were the days …
I remember overclocking mine so that it was smooth lol. Was great.
I had one. I really liked it but there were a couple of major downsides I remember. If you had to reboot it, it took many minutes to come back up. It also had the build quality of a sand castle. My wife and I both went through multiple devices in the couple of years we had them. It was my first smart phone.
I still have one in my basement somewhere, I miss the palm os, it was really awesome at the time
Palm had the opportunity and missed it.
Build a new OS, one with support for existing apps (granted, they’d have limited ability to interact with the modern Palm OS), and you get to keep existing customers.
OH how I miss Palm. Splashshopper is still a better shopping list app than anything I use today, I used to play Monopoly on my Treo, and watch movies from the SD car when I was traveling (but boy it used battery).
They probably designed the stuff to be useful so they could sell phones instead of app makers who wanna extract extra money with their apps.
I loved my Palm Prē. So many things they innovated that we take for granted now.
Such a shame they weren’t able to stick around long enough to properly compete.
Me too. Loved that thing. I remember when I was able to truly multitask and switch applications seamlessly. It was great. I still feel like iOS and android don’t switch between apps as smoothly as I was able to do on my pre.
The pre 2 was the sweet version, but webos is all I ever wanted. 😭
And the glass screen. Never forget what HP took from us.
I had a treo 650, a centro, and a tungsten before that and they worked shockingly well looking back on them.
WebOS really was so hard ahead of its time. A card based interface, gesture-based navigation, unified and always online email and account systems. There were many things WebOS did that we take for granted now, yet they did it no less than 5 years before Android or iOS. Really it was just the Palm Pre’s hardware (I had a Palm Pre Plus) that held it back. Some aspects of it were already a bit dated, even in 2010.
Whenever I read #facepalm I think of the pre