• Verdant Banana@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    81 is too old

    my grandfather is this age and would not want him running anything and when reach that age do not think be able to run much either unless healthcare gets some futuristic improvement

    Biden is no different than any other human on the planet except they give him exponentially better healthcare than you while he dangles universal health in front of your face for two elections and never putting out

    Americans should not bend over and take either option Biden or Trump

    Some of us like myself are not allowed to vote because of policies and laws that have been crafted by politicians over the years with Biden being one of those politicians

    Biden’s supporters are willing to jump as blindly off a cliff as the Trumpers

    We as Americans need to take stand before we are not able to

    • Xanis@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      He’s completed many promises to my knowledge (and a quick Google search). Which one are you referring to?

      • Norgoroth@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Some that should have been easy if he cared about them: codify roe vs wade, decriminalize marijuana, forgive student loan debt.

        • Xanis@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          I’ll have to do research on whether the President has the authority to codify anything, mostly to check the rules on that. Can’t speak on marijuana because, honestly, it’s not on my personal care list so I’m a bit more ignorant. Student loan debt though, he tried…right? Got turned down and has been working towards different paths. Seems like that one is in progress. Not sure we can blame him there.

          • Norgoroth@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            The president can’t make laws but he campaigned that he would work with legislative branch (both sides of the isle) to get it done. However, he hasn’t seemed to prioritize that issue at all. He did have some bipartisan wins with $1T Infrastructure bill, CHIPS, PACT (Jon Stewart should get credit for that one) and some other wins, but the main social issues he campaigned on that touch most people’s lives directly haven’t had much success. Doesn’t help that he’s completely out of touch with economic reality for many and reluctant to take on corporate price gouging.

  • MataVatnik@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Good, he was sitting on his ass running on the idea he would win because Trump. I’m not sure about now, but a few weeks ago his campaign page was completely empty on policies that he would run on, literally nothing.

    • flamingarms@feddit.uk
      7 months ago

      Looks like that’s still the case. His website only seems to be a place where you can donate or volunteer. Guess his campaign is just focused on social media now? I get the potential value in that; it’s like old-school campaigning. But wouldn’t you still want a clear and easy place outside of videos where people can reference your values, accomplishments, and further goals?

      • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        wouldn’t you still want a clear and easy place outside of videos where people can reference your values, accomplishments, and further goals?

        You would if you had any that align with those of the majority of the population, sure.

        Biden’s still living in 1992 like the rest of the DNC leadership, though, and hasn’t changed since he bragged about attending more AIPAC events than any other politician in Washington, was the main proponent of that awful crime bill and advocated for cuts to Medicare and Social Security.

        Hell, I’m not even sure he’s changed his NIMBY attitude towards black people since he said of desegregation bussing that he “didn’t want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle”…

  • toast@retrolemmy.com
    7 months ago

    “Why don’t voters see that genocide is in our nation’s best interest?”

    “Why don’t voters care more about stock prices than food prices?”

    Unlike the orange baboon, he means well. He’s just so steeped in neoliberalism that he thinks he knows better than we do what we need.

    What I want is a president who cares more about Americans than America.

    • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Unlike the orange baboon, he means well. He’s just so steeped in neoliberalism that he thinks he knows better than we do what we need.

      Probably spot on.

    • OpenStars@startrek.website
      7 months ago

      Biden may not care more about average Americans than America, but he at least cares more about Americans than Trump does.

      • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        he at least cares more about Americans than Trump does

        That’s like saying “at least he’s more adamant about minimizing civilian casualties than Netanyahu is”

        While absolutely true, it’s a textbook example of damning with extremely faint praise.

  • snekerpimp@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Considering it’s him or “bloodbath for the country” McGee, I think we are all angry and anxious about it.

    • Stern@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Getting real tired of choosing between bad and worse, and knowing full well if I don’t support bad I’ll get stuck with worse because of the duopoly.

      • Omega@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Outside of Gaza, I think Biden has done a surprisingly good job. A lot of shit landed on his plate and he’s dealt with it better than most presidents would have.

        • Cowbee [he/him]@lemmy.ml
          7 months ago

          I still think that counts as “less bad,” not “good,” considering pretty much all presidents are absolutely bad.

  • OpenStars@startrek.website
    7 months ago

    It makes sense. He’s actually been competent, which not many (certainly not I) quite expected, but the media hasn’t reported a lot of his successes, which have been unusually deployed and quite complex to begin with. People don’t understand it. Maybe they’ll vote for him anyway, but it’s not assured, somehow even with Trump on the other side again.

    e.g.how he blocked the railway strike at Christmas to save “the economy” first and foremost at the workers expense, but then kept working afterwards to help get most if not all of their demands met (I’m not sure if they got any sick leave though). Right or wrong, in the past that would have been hailed as a “huge success”, but instead we barely heard about it.

    Likewise with Gaza he has tried to toe the line - we technically have obligations to fulfill there, but does genocide change that, and if so what is the process by which to do that, and is he engaging in that, or doesn’t Israel have a veto anyway, so what else is he doing that we might want done?

    We have depended upon our media so much, to tell us not just what happened but what it means and how to feel about it all. So with it being bought out now by billionaires… it is like our fourth branch of government has become as unreliable as Congress and the Supreme Court.

    • Verdant Banana@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      how can anyone that age be competent

      not to be mean but the mind does age it does not magically stop because your name is Biden he has reached that age

      he told those rail workers they could not strike or they would lose retirement and shit

      he threatened them with their livelihoods fuck that old crony he promised to raise the minimum wage and fight for us workers

      he hasn’t quite the opposite

      Silent Genocide Joe and Prosecutor Kamala Harris are not America’s saviors neither is Trump

      just older people refusing to let a younger generation take the reins while cashing checks from the corporations same as Trump and making sure the younger people are disenfranchised enough to not to take a stand

      fucking sick either candidate get any support with the suffering and misery they have wrought

      • lutillian@sh.itjust.works
        7 months ago

        I can’t disagree with the age argument, these dinosaurs need to step aside and let the world change.

        I do want to know what exactly Biden has genocided. The two groups in this world who are driving genocides are Putin’s and Netanyahu’s regimes. Biden has no control over them, and the only group that could enact a foreign policy to do anything here in the US is Congress. So if anyone is complicit in that, it’s our “Currently Genocidal by Inaction Congress.”

        I get it though, doesn’t roll as nicely off the tongue.

        [Edit: a poster below pointed out that my joke was bad and I should feel bad. ]

        Camilla was a poor choice at vp no matter how you swing it given the current progressive opinion on police.

        • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Biden has no control

          He could stop sending a new shipment of the very weapons used to commit genocide with every day and a half.

          It might not stop it immediately, but it would at least make it more difficult for Netanyahu’s fascist apartheid regime to keep blowing the shit out of innocent civilians if they have to look elsewhere for the bombs to do so with.

          Plus, there’s hardly any way to be more clearly an accomplice to war crimes than insisting on sending weapons to be used to commit war crimes regardless of congressional approval.

          • lutillian@sh.itjust.works
            7 months ago

            Biden is legally obligated by treaty to provide Israel with arms. Not doing so would give those maniacs in the house actual reason to impeach

            • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              First of all, no he isn’t. In fact, it’s illegal for the US government to supply arms that might be used in the commission of war crimes. In this case there’s not even any doubt.

              As for the GOP, they’ve already demonstrated that whether or not they try to impeach has nothing to do with reality. Even if they DID somehow manage to make impeachment stick by a one-vote majority, there’s literally no risk that 2/3 of the senate will vote to convict, so that’s not anything remotely resembling a valid excuse to keep contributing to a genocide either.

              • lutillian@sh.itjust.works
                7 months ago

                He actually is in the case that the initial arms shipment was sent, Israel was attacked by Hamas and he had to respond by sending aid. He has gone on record stating that the current war crimes Israel has been committing raise question of the legality of providing further support.

                Obviously still remains to be seen if anything will actually come of that though. Words are cheap.

                • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                  7 months ago

                  He has gone on record stating that the current war crimes Israel has been committing raise question of the legality of providing further support.

                  While continuing to send the weapons anyway, as much as he possibly can without congressional approval.

                  His public pretense at being a moderating influence means less than nothing as long as he keeps being an active supplier of the genocide.

      • Paragone@sh.itjust.works
        7 months ago

        I used to think like that, sorta.

        Read Kegan & Lahey’s “Immunity to Change” book, on people’s unconscious-mind’s mechanism for fighting-off growing-up.

        Then let it percolate in your mind for a few decades, while you watch humankind’s process.

        I’d now make a law requiring that the top people be Kegan5 unconscious-mind-development ( he calls 3, 4, & 5 something like “socially-based sentience”, rooted in needing to feel liked, “self-authoring” mind, which I call Bulling-BOSS mode, it’s an obnoxious mode male-culture values because it’s so “alpha”.

        Youtube’s Wranglerstar & Veritasium are both poster-people for it, 1 in working-class Kegan4 the other in middle/upper-middle-class Kegan4, & both displaying Kegan4’s obnoxiousness.

        I spent most of my adult life in it, and wish I could just retroactively slice most of my life from Universe.

        “systems-of-systems” mode is Kegan5. )

        it’s consistent that if you field a Kegan3 person to be your negotiation-representative, and the other side fields a Kegan4, you’re run-over.

        If you field a Kegan5 & they field a Kegan4, you’re run-over.

        IF they field a Kegan4, THEN you need equal/opposite bullying, in order that the zero-sum-game not beat your side to shit.

        However, IF they have the uprightness to field a Kegan5 & you can too, THEN Win-Win becomes possible.

        Young-adults, Kegan3’s ( the Kegan3 stage can continue for the entire rest of a person’s life, from post-adolescence to 100yo or more, but it is mentally/psychically a young-adult stage ), cannot accept that evil is real, the way someone mentally-older can.

        Kegan3’s are in the absorbing experience into their unconscious-mind, stage.

        Kegan4’s are in the pushing meaning out of their unconscious, “authoring” themselves through that unconscious-pushing-out process stage.

        Kegan5’s are in the this is true for them, that is true for these other people, the-other is true for me, and this is how it all fits together stage.

        I’d not permit any naive Kegan3’s to rule any major operation, nor permit any zero-sum-game-“validity” Kegan4’s to rule anything important.

        That book gives people the means of converting fighting-off-growing-up to actually-successfully-growing-up, and so it is worth many life-years or life-decades, to many.

        Nobody in the whole world has any reason to accept that my values have any validity in them, though, that is true.

        All who hold that there is no understanding which should be prerequisite to authority, well they all outnumber me, don’t they?


        This I’ve found tests to be true, however.

        ( bonus point:

        it has been published that the DreamTeam formation is a team-of-7, with 2 who match the Kegan5 mental-development, 2 who match the Kegan4 mental-development, & 3 who match the Kegan3 mental-development.

        The Kegan4’s bursting with ideas, but not understanding all the systems-of-systems gotchas, means the team is more likely to be able to innovate,

        the Kegan5’s, if they can do it without demolishing the Kegan4’s morale, can ask questions to corner the Kegan4’s into considering all sorts of things they hadn’t, so they prevent lots of stupid mistakes,

        & the Kegan3’s are the “glue” which holds the team coherent & harmonious.

        I’m mixing multiple sources together, but they really were identifying the same thing, only each was doing-so without some of the other pieces.

        New Scientist had an article on The Dream Team, years ago, Chris McGoff’s book “The Primes” is part of it, the Kegan & Lahey book is part of it, some HBR stuff as well, perhaps some stuff from the managers-of-programmers books, what’s her name, Roth? can’t remember…

        fit it together, though, and it fits properly: there is a balance which produces working momentum, instead of institutional-mentality, and that working momentum is based on the substance of the minds of the people in the team, and ignoring the unconscious-mind-development stage … is ignoring the BIG part of each person’s iceberg.

        : )