The Democratic Party is launching an “all-out war” to block third parties from appearing on the 2024 US election ballot. This is in response to declining support for President Biden and the Democratic Party. The World Socialist Web Site has published articles exposing these anti-democratic efforts, which have received widespread attention and support on social media. Third party candidates like Jill Stein and Cornel West have condemned the Democratic Party’s actions as an assault on democratic rights and voter choice. The Socialist Equality Party has also voiced support for the right of independent and third party candidates to access the ballot, connecting this to the broader fight against the corporate-controlled two-party system.

    3 months ago

    Rather than try to take away ballot options that would better represent the interests of the American public, perhaps the Democratic Party should focus on passing legislation that would actually help struggling people such as a universal single payer healthcare program or guaranteed housing.

    I love when people act like the Democrats have unilateral control over all 3 branches of Government and just gloss over how the party that controls the Courts dismantles Obamacare at every opportunity, and the same party that controls the House and will refuse to pass bills that even they like because of the chance it might make Biden look good.

    Sadly, both major political parties in America are fully beholden to the corporate interests which fund the political system.

    Of course, topping it off with a little “both sides”.

    3 months ago

    The two-party system showed it’s flaws well before this election. It forces voters to approve policies they don’t support with their vote because they only get to pick from one of two “policy packages”. It makes it easier to extend/enact harmful policies because if interest groups can purchase support from both parties they are immune to legislation that doesn’t favor them. It divides the country into “us vs. them” because every election there is functionally only Dems vs. Republicans.

    3 months ago

    Oh fuck off with this bullshit. First off, the source is suspect. Secondly, point me to any attempts by Democrats to block third parties from being on an open ballot. I can’t read that website at work, but you are going to need a lot more than one or two policy changes/laws enacted to call something “all-out war.”

    This is more of the same anti-Biden shit that OP posts over and over, never once acknowledging that everything they complain about would be worse under pretty much any other president.