Little nutter is taking himself for a walk.
If you use a direct file link, which for gifs on imgur would be .mp4 instead of gifv (which isn’t actually a direct file link), the video will embed in some clients. I’ve not seen it work in a comment, but posts will have an embedded player if the url submitted is to a direct video file.
Alternatively, if you’re posting a gif or don’t need sound, turn it into a .webp. The file will be much smaller than an actual .gif, and play in most clients. It also works in a comment, like so:
Not too sure, the one in this comment did not load for me. I should note that im on Boost for lemmy and just take them directly from my galarie, so Boost uploads these that way, not sure if there is another way though. Before it worked just fine, but on that day all the things I uploaded kinda janked
Clearly didn’t get the braincell that day.
…of course it’s an orange cat 🤣