some say if he knew about mint, he would still be with us today
I don’t get it…
I took it as: “Mint is the just-works-distro so you don’t want to shoot yourself in the face constantly.”.
But he never got to use GPS, and that makes Helen Mirren sad.
Yeah, I don’t get it either. Of course Kurt Cobain knows Linux. The private security of the island where Cobain, Elvis, 2Pac and the others live, runs on Linux.
I think it’s meant to be a “Cleopatra is closer to us than the building of the great pyramid” or something like that, but I’m not sure either.
TIL Cleopatra lived closer in time to the invention of floppy disks than Kurt Kobain did to wooly mammoths
Are you implying that’s why he killed himself?
I assumed it was his realization that his art was being exploited and his girlfriend sexually assaulted by a system he willingly entered for financial benefit and he couldn’t do a damn thing about it but that fits too.
Explains why he didn’t shoot an executive instead.
Cobain died in April 1994.
The first Slackware Linux release was in July 1993. Debian Linux¹ 0.9 came out in January 1994; SuSE Linux launched in March 1994.
So yes, Kurt could have used Linux.
But he probably would have had to install it from floppies.
¹ It wasn’t called Debian GNU/Linux until later; see the 1994 revision of the Debian Linux Manifesto.
Floppy disks💀
Here’s a better one. Blackbeard could have worn sunglasses.
Mayans could’ve studied at oxford
Abraham Lincoln could have sent a fax to a samurai.