If you haven’t looked into this you really should. Autism Speaks is very much a harm in the world.
Very helpful article. I recommend reading it. Here is the TLDR premise.
Rather than focusing on raising awareness and advocating for the acceptance of autism in society, Autism Speaks treats it like a disease that needs to be cured or eradicated. Such a mindset increases the stigma and discrimination against people with autism as it presents the idea that there is something inherently wrong with them that needs to be fixed.
So basically eugenics. Ignoring autonomy has never gone wrong (/s)!
Why they trying to eradicate the superior human form? smh. I’m only mostly joking.
I’m not.
I actually was thinking about that the other day. They have done studies and it turns out that Autistic people communicate well with Autistic people. It is entirely possible to have a entire civilization based around autism.
There was a volunteer at an old job I had, autistic and older generation, so he had lived in his mums care all his life. My colleagues couldnt wait to get away from him, but he really made the job way more enjoyable for me
Autistic people are shepherds of society (looking at the bigger picture, questioning everything, always solving problems), the rest are sheep (accepting status quo). I’ve seen many teams where most people are just ‘doing their jobs, can’t wait to go home’ but the team is held together by one autistic individual in the middle who really runs the whole operation.
Oof the commercials they made were super bad in the early days. Total fear baiting.
coworker husband and kids have autism and all I hear is the stress it puts her through. So sure maybe it would be nice for it to go away. Thing is I am probably only hearing the bad and I’m not sure how much of it is the autism (besdies the extra school and special classes). If her husband was African and I never knew an African I could become blame her husbands flaws like a racist with such a limited thought process.
My point is no exposure to the people will let someone’s bad experience or fear mongering get to you. **Dont ** Autism speaks went the wrong path slowing down actual progress.