Don’t give them ideas
Lol Logitech has already tried.
Jesus Christ
idk I’ve been thinking about getting the standard plan. 10k clicks isn’t much, but If i quit Leauge, then I think i can get by. And I can’t stand the ad supported basic tier anymore. I can’t take one more ad for that crypto exchange
It is often fun choosing to read “clicks” as “dicks” due to how similar they look. Imagin’ you getting 10,000’s of dicks via LoL every month.
10,000 dicks a month from lol is rookie numbers, honestly.
In a row??
What will Premium Plus get for me?
I’d just get a mouse that doesn’t have this bullshit before paying for this. I’ll buy used if needed. I’m not subscribing to a fucking mouse.
It’s a good thing that market is so saturated that there’d always be a cheap uncomplicated mouse with all your features, unless you’re some sort of MMO mouse person.
That said, a company can probably still sell this to the government with enough lobbying. Those chumps love wasting cash on subscriptions they don’t need (looking at you, Adobe Cloud).
That’s why they’ll make it so Windows requires your mouse to have official Microsoft drivers for compatibility.
Hahaha, Windows, lol.
Business idea: The mouse manufacturers play the middle man in the click economy. Users can add an extra “click safety” package for $3,99/month, which prevents them from clicking on ads/misleading content. “Good” and “ethical” advertisers can get in touch with the “business communication” office of the mouse manufacturers to buy exception deals, because “their ads are okay”
Is scrolling extra?
It’s not real right???
Capitalism breeds innovation right? That’s what we’re being spoon fed?
We need to reverse engineer this software so it can be used.
Living in 2024, I’m not even sure if this is a joke or not. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a subscription for damn oxygen soon. Oh, wait, that’s taxes!
It’s only partially a joke. I can’t remember who but some company was bragging about their subscription based mouse they had in the works.
Oh god oh no I used my last click now I can’t select a plan
Yes you can! Only $0.10 per additional click!
And how will I click that? Oh, it’s automatic! For our convenience!
“remind me later” works only if you double click it.
The lack of close button makes me believe this is not true.
thats a good deal
I can navigate with keyboard shortcuts.
I’m sorry, you are out of keyboard clicks.
I’ll just use my graphics tablet.
I’m sorry, you’re out of graphics.
Connect with rdp with my laptop with a touchscreen
You’re out of RDPs
I can cry.
Subscribe to tears monthly for more tears you’ve reached your tears limit for this month.
Laughs hysterically in XMonad